Testing a Cree XHP50.2 J4 3A led

I can accept two 18650 blowing a single 50.2 but still puzzling two 18250 did so as well.

3A total will be around 10W of heat, a fair amount but not a ton. The video link doesn’t work so I can’t say much about it. Although it should be ok at that level. Even an S2+ is ok with 10W of heat.

The triple setup won’t give you much extra light over a single LED if driven so mildly and it will be much floodier. So depending on what you want, you might be better off with a single LED if you want more throw.

Using the CREE PCT here, an R2 bin XP-G3 puts out 317 lumens at 1A, so 950 lumens total, but that's max, not taking optics loss's into account.

Dunno bout the heat - not enough info.

I would think in theory, using the LED's in series will help. The driver efficiency increases they say, so the driver should be cooler running. You would have to feed them 1A then - all 3 LED's would get 1A, roughly 9 watts one way or the other, 3A from the driver for the LED's in parallel, or 1A from the driver for the LED's in series.

I had a Convoy S2 at 2.8A get burning hot when run continuously on max for a few minutes. 10 watts can be a lot of heat - all depends on the heat sink and design.

Remember though that burning hot to your hand is different then burning hot for the components.

Djozz tested the S2+ on high till the cell died and it never got above a safe lever for the components inside. I think it peaked around 100C, which is way too hot for your hand but still safe for the components. Most of which are rated to at least 125C and can handle more with reduced lifespan.

Since this light would not be hand held, it is not limited by what we can hold. The final output could be adjusted to find the ideal output to heat ratio.

Running the LED’s in series is the best idea if driving them from a 12V power source, less work for the driver and you ensure that all the LED’s share the load evenly.

True - even though it took a while for it to cool down enough to touch, no damage whatsoever. From surface temps I've tested, 55C gets feeling very hot, but that's not much compared to the 125C rating on the MCU's or the 150C ratings on the LED's.

If the LED’s are wired in series then each LED will get 2.4A. If they are wired in parallel then they will each get 0.8A.

In this case wiring them in series would be best and reduce the drive current. That driver doesn’t appear to be adjustable but many other are if you look around. You can even get 17mm drivers for flashlights that could handle that small amount of current and would be easier to fit. Although finding a single mode driver could prove interesting.

Or on those drivers they appear to use 2x R100 sense resistors. If you removed one of them, you should cut the current in half. That would give you 1.2A to each emitter or around 11W worth of power.

I just looked at the youtube video, those are pretty small and a better heat path would be a very good idea indeed but I don’t see an easy way to do that without a lathe.

Although it does look like you could fit a flashlight driver in the back side and keep it all contained if you could find a buck driver with the specs you need. Pretty sure I have seem some floating around that would work, although no idea where.

I like the styling, mind if I copy this later? :wink:
I have some square cans. Will retain the label and everything to it.

- Clemence

I am seeing it said that converting voltage and current to wattage is expressed in terms of heat. Like a 3V emitter at around 3A making 10 watts is 10 watts of heat. Somehow that isn’t ringing true, what am I missing? I know that emitters are more efficient at lower currents, less efficient when pushed hard. So the simple voltage x current equation isn’t all there is to it… heat comes in where the inefficiency takes over, as the idea behind an LED is to convert energy to light, not heat. So it would depend on the efficiency how much of the power being applied is being converted to heat. Not all 10 watts, for sure.

This can be seen in a triple or quad XP-G2 as compared to the same set-up with XP-L2 emitters. Pushing the G2’s hard results in a higher percentage of heat as compared to light output while the L2’s will fare better at lower temps while making considerably more lumens. Thus, the Manker quad in 18650 that gets ridiculously hot in seconds… the small emitters are being overdriven and producing much more heat.

Just ruminating on proper thermal design having to take into consideration the end goal of the output target as part of the equation, as well as which emitter at what power level. On the maximum end of things, it gets a lot more complicated huh? :wink:

LEDs might be around 40% efficient at low currents. At maximum power maybe half that. The rest of the consumed power is heat.

So in a 10W set-up, only about 50% is heat. Undoubtedly much more than that in a 120+W set-up…

It depends on the LED but generally 30% is a good number. So yes, in a 10W setup, about 7W will be converted to heat. Although if the LED is overdriven then that number could easily drop down to 15-20% or even less.

Since most flashlights are overdriven, talking in terms of wattage in +/- wattage out is good enough. We are not doing exact calculations, all that matters is that a 20W LED setup will create about twice the heat of a 10W setup. Exactly how much more can be skewed by 10-20% depending on the LED efficiency but that is not worth worrying about for what we do.

What? That’s not correct. Why are you thinking this? You want the heat source to be exposed to as much air as possible. So get the heat to the outer surface.

Your using the word heatsink incorrectly. The pill and mcpcb are not heatsinks. Only the outer parts exposed to air is considered a heatsink. The inner metals are more like thermal masses.

When you say potting, are you asking about thermal grease or thermal epoxy? Are you trying to make a permanent connection or temporary?

Common products are from Arctic Silver. They have stuff to glue things together and Arctic Alumina Thermal Paste which does not glue. I’m not sure where you live, but you can check out the thermal products from MTN Electronics. Thermal Products

I’m trying to help. If you keep calling them heatsinks you’ll just be confusing people.

Anything that absorbs the heat out from the emitter is considered a heatsink. But as soon as the heat reached equilibrum, you need to get rid of them to keep the heat flowing (from the source to somewhere else). In order to get this, we create fins or any other means to increase the surface area so the heat will released to the air by radiation and convection. The higher the temp difference (delta temp) between the hottest point(s) and the cooler parts of the heatsink the greater the heat flow. The heatsinks designed like this is considered a heat exchanger as well. An MCPCB is a heatsink to some degree, and will perform so much better with finned heatsink. With let’s say, 1 watt of power a bare 20mm sinkpad is adequate to cool an LED. You can roughen the back of an MCPCB, adding fins, etc…and it will become a better heatsink too. But, at what power level?

Some automotive headlight still use this approach to keep everything simple. It works but not as efficient as the open air design. The idea is to increase the hot surface area point from 1mm^2 to hundreds or thousand times so even the low conductivity of air will still let adequate heat dissipation to the surroundings.

Older PETZL headlamps only use few connected vias in their water tight enclosed plastic casing too.

I’ve seen worse design in OEM design with NO fins and it works wonder. And it doesn’t even involved MCPCB , just plain old FR4 board with good calculation of copper spread. Check this:

As long as the LED kept within it’s designed operating temp, then it will work just fine. We in BLF usually takes everything towards maximum performance/efficiency while in the real world it’s not the most economical things to do.

- Clemence

If you can keep the LED compartment perfectly sealed, filling the fin cavity with non conductive/corrosive liquid will transfer the heat better while keep everything neatly packed. Some also use fine silicone carbide abrasive sands.

The above makes no sense. Do you understand what fins on a heatsink are for?

It’s simply to increase the surface area which allows the air around it to pick up heat. If you fully enclose the heatsink in a box then the fins become useless. You’d be better off not even using the heatsink.

If this were a high powered flashlight that was used in short bursts I’d replace that heatsink with a big chunk of copper. This will allow for a longer turbo time.

Since this is a light that is going to run constantly, increasing turbo time is not important. I’d just let the heat flow through the gold part and heat up the outer housing. Then the outer housing will be exposed to moving air and pull the heat out. With enough surface area in the outer housing and enough moving air the lights temperature should reach an equilibrium within a safe range.

The above is not ideal, but do not say it makes no sense. If the heatsink is going to be enclosed it is still better for it to be finned. You might not be able to understand what is meant by his term heatsink but the rest of us can clearly see the large aluminum heatsink with extruded fins. :wink: And stormrider is correct that filling the air gap with potting epoxy is still not ideal but better than air.

Stormrider: I pot flashlights with a mix of silicone(rtv) and silicon carbide lapping powder. It works well for flashlights but might not be economical for your application? Outherwise you can buy potting epoxy by the gallon for descent price.

Are you able to pot and seal the front of the enclosure and cut some vents or openings around the heatsink fins to let in some air? I think this would give the best performance but maybe a trade off with aesthetics?

@lightrider: BTW, several years ago I tried filling a Pepsi aluminum can with #320 silicon carbide abrasives to cool 3 hard driven XPGs in the center (absurd art objects). Man…it’s heavy :laughing:
But the heat was indeed spread to the can’s surface fairly well. Got better result with damp SiC sands (better than water alone).