ALIVE: Astrolux S42 groupbuy: US$ 25.95

We need this with a copper head. Apparently there is a manker version of this light with copper head.

Group buy?

I´m in for this one next round.

Ordered, excellent price.

code will be available after the dragon boat festival ;)

I’m getting excited. Tomorrow should be the day these are shipped out. :sunglasses:

As Tom Petty said: The waiting is the hardest part…

That’s a girly looking light. I wish the body is not all colorful like that.

stop jinxing it! LOL

the festival already started??

today is last day

tomotrow most workers come back i was told

Are you sure? I can’t pre-order one. I can only request to be notified on arrival.

Hey, is the code still available? If so, can I please get it.

Thank you!!

I’d appreciate a code, please.

replied :beer:

i try to find out when they are back on stock (they sold very good)

S42 will be on stock soon - i asked to open "presale" so you can get yours

S42S will be on promotion soon (for one week)
after that i will get a lower price for you guys ;) (sub 40 maybe...)

Dang! I’d like one of the S42Ss. Let us know if/when you get a code!

Did they fix the knurling on this one? The S41S looks nice on the shelf, but is basically unusable because the knurling is so sharp.

i had none in my hands...
i try and ask

Isn’t sandpaper an option?
The tube clamped with washers on a large screw, that fixed in a drill and a strip of sandpaper?

Uh, you’re going to try that on the colored SS version? :confounded:

Has anyone received shipping information yet???

Can you tell I’m excited to fire this one up?