Your BLF Avatar

Just a tiny flashlight and YubiKey

Me shining a K70 on the beach… the beam was reaching way further than my eyes could see, makes me wonder if we really need that much throw.

From many moons ago when I was into target archery, but the forums were dominated by U.S. and Canadian bowhunters. I got tired of explaining that I didn’t hunt anything and eventually gave myself a signature “Hunter of the dreaded Zulumoose” and created an avatar to illustrate.

This is a Schnauzer. I always have had one or two Schnauzers over the last 30 years. Only once we have been on holiday without them. It just was not the same.

My avatar as a reminder that life is not predictable. I liked my bike, but I could die. I was lucky :slight_smile:

My current avatar is the first one I use. No reason choosing it at all. lol
Soon, I will change it to SC02’s pic that I won from Haikelite’s GA.

This light represents two things at once for you:

2) luck


And Haikelite said they will engrave my name on it too. This SC02 will become my trophy of luck. :smiley:

Because I think it’s a cool pic and shows a type of light which I like (it’s a Surefire A2 modded with Yuji high-cri LEDs).
It’s from my Surefire A2 thread here.
I change it from time to time when I feel like it.

Mine is just something I came up with playing around with some photo editing. It started as a set of photos and I added a bit of animation.

Mine is from a special(to me)light, x40vn triple quad from vinh, 1 of 2 in the world(and both have differences so really a 1 off). 12x xpl’s which gives a slightly warm neutral to the eyes. All flood, infinite control ring UI and a huge copper heat sink. Light weighs over 2lb and thats pretty much all in the head. Max is around 5000 OTF lumens, which is not huge in todays standards, but can run for very long duration’s…………so actually useful.

No plans to change it so far, kind of used to it now and i have too many lights to choose from for replacing it with(providing i picked another light). :slight_smile:

Mine is the foot of cupid, from a renaissance painting, used in the opening of monty python’s flying circus

Yes. Yes we do.

This is not me…

I know. That’s Alexandre Davy de La Pailleterie Dumas, who wrote “The Three Musketeers”. Among other things.

Mine is a picture of me from Afghanistan back in 2003. I don’t plan on changing it for now.

Most of my experience with flashlights was from the military. I flew at night with NVGs a lot so, I used several different lights on a regular basis, both green and white, for pref-light and flight use. Back in the day we did not have all the options now available. I still remember when LEDs first came out. It was like magic!

I am now an airline pilot, and I currently carry at least 2 lights with me while working/traveling. The OLight S2 and S Mini are in by bag.

There are so many great choices today, and you get so much capability for the money.

“In the land of the blond the one eyed man is king.” Really? :smiley:

My avatar is a 1 pixel line of #333333 like the 1 pixel line of #444444 below.

Yep, :partying_face:

The end of an era...

I removed the Resident Evil, Michael Myers, and Jason Voorhees images from my signature.

There are also no mouseovers in my sig.

I realized that not everyone loves scary images or horror movies.

(Mouseovers are also a pain to fiddle with.)

I hope you like my simpler signature, and if not, I hope you understand why I changed it.