What are the top 10 signs .."You might be a Flashaholic"?

I normally have a few in my bag, but yeah, I don’t want anyone taking any of mine into the can with them, so it’s buy or go all Helen Keller down the hallway.

Nope, no way.

You also compile a mental list of who hits the can and doesn’t even come near the sinks on the way out.

When you play the XBox 360 game Alan Wake (highly recommended for a flashaholic) and afterward, build a light to specifically replicate the beam pattern and performance of the titular character’s flashlight.

I did.

And for those who haven’t played the game, your flashlight is your most valuable weapon. Throughout the ENTIRE game. Other than some gratuitous product placement, that game was extremely atmospheric and very fun.

I think it should only have several uses.

Now imagine you have a DX80 in game.

Since all applies, i can’t deny it anymore…

Excellent ! I like it

You’re a Flashaholic when you know when the national holidays of China are.

(And it ain’t fun for us… :stuck_out_tongue: )

I am in Vietnam and always have to buy low quality goods from China. Right now, I still do not know where to buy genuine

When your toddler (2 y.o) prefer THIS one, not the one you want to givehim :wink:

(no, he doesn’t play with the high lumen monsters, only the tame ones…)

The Korean guy on the right seems happy about that .

That’s Joe Samsung. Ka-ching!!

You might be a flashaholic if you have ever taken a flashlight apart to modify its firmware.

And you start synchronising your own holidays with the national holidays of China.
Plus point: it looks as if that is getting you more days off than before.

you are if you order your own driver PCBs, of course the first revision does not work or got an error for sure even if you checked it like 10 times

“You might be a Flashaholic”, if you call a compact thrower + a flooder + a headlamp + an emergency keychain light as a starter kit for your non flashaholic friends.

You might be a Flashaholic, if you come out of the closet, to make room for more lights.

You might be a Flash-a-holic if .....

  • You shake Christmas presents hoping they will sound like a flashlight.
  • You buy a gun to put a light on.
  • You only ride your bike at night .
  • UPS is thinking about making your house a hub.

Looks like we got another spammer account looking to fill up their post count, boys.