FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

Right, wouldn’t be any point in putting it on the driver. On the tail cap, butt end maybe, would be the most innocuous.

As I know the marking must be permanent.
My only concern is customs can refuse an import of goods without CE Mark.

On the other hand non of my Lumintop lamps has a CE mark

To open the lamp you unscrew the head so I tought on the underside of the driver where + connect

So if custom ask, open the head.

Hmm tail b¥tt has the switch.
No clean way of adding it on a surface
Maybe print on the box so even if customs opens they’ll see it and be happy?
Though flashlights do not need it

My Solarforce lights have text on the tail cap around the rubber switch boot. It’s small and non-obtrusive, but it’s there.

I don’t know. In the end the Q8 got a marking.
Can we ask Lumintop? They should know

My Klarus G35 has the CE and ROHS below the triangle HOT warning on the bezel. Very small, but it’s there if needed.

How much is this text really needed?

My Emisar D4 doesn’t CE and ROHS text on it. Neither do my Zebralights. Don’t think my Fenix has it either.

My guess is 90% of my flashlights lack that text. Even from name-brand manufacturers.

Not for the US, but other countries have pretty weird requirements.

There were requirements for everything, e.g. bendy bananas

But they finally dropped the cucumber and banana regulations.

Joe, it might help every now and then if you put what country your from in your profile. Is it Germany? I’ve heard they are very strict there about these markings.

Yes I am from Germany. It depends on the person you are dealing with. Some live for red tape, some are more relaxed.

can you put the the CE ROHS on the box?

Sure, if that helps you sleep at night.

We’re not addicts, and what we’re doing here is definitely not a meeting.

… and I am never silly.

Nope, the more I think about it, the more clear it is. BLF is not a flashaholic meeting.

For example, those “holic” programs are anonymous. It’s right there in the name, Whatever-a-holics Anonymous. But everyone here uses their real names.

People here don’t spend fortunes on things they don’t need, to satisfy an irrational inner craving.

We don’t make abstinence vows or congratulate each other on resisting the urge.

Outsiders never poke fun at us or compare us to cults.

We don’t even have a 12-step ramp program where people place their faith in a goddess higher power to deliver them from the darkness.

There’s really no resemblance at all.


I have to laugh though… I googled “flashlight cult” and the first hit was an article about something I made. Why am I not surprised?

Here’s an excerpt:

So, that made my evening a little brighter. :slight_smile:

Flashlight Cult hahaha sound funny. Google-ed that too and read the article kinda of proud really for some people we are unusual.

Hahaha good read TK!

Interesting read. I wonder what he’d write regarding the latest BLF lights?

What struck me most about that is that there is someone who just uses a flashlight and doesn’t have over a dozen. I mean I use flashlights also, but I have one for each different intended use and they are found everywhere throughout the house and shop. How strange is that, that there are people who don’t have the same proliferation of handheld lights!!?

Looking forward to the revised design (black ano? :innocent: )