[ENDED] Agro's 500 posts giveaway

Hey Agro, congrats on the almost 500 posts. Please don’t count me in as I have the D4, and I sure like someone else to win. Thanks for the discussions!

Thanks for the 500 nice posts on BLF Agro.

Not in because I have won a few giveaways, the nicest one was from ChicagoX many years ago, a custom bead-blasted SS ITP-A3:

Count me in.
I’ve only participated to a few GAW and never won.

Thanks a lot for your giweaway.

I’m IN!! Haven’t won anything yet.

I would like to be in , thanks !

Please count me in. I never win any prizes in lotteries or random drawings. Thank you!

Congrats on the 500 posts Agro! I’m in for the GAW, please :wink:
Thanks for your generosity :blush:

I’m in.

Thanks .

Thanks for the chance!

I’m in! Thanks

Wow, what a generous giveaway. Please count me in, thanks

I appreciate your generosity and would like to be entered. Thanks.

Well I’m in, never won/win… very generous of you!

I’m in. Thanks

I'm in!

I never won anything.

Congrats on your post count and thanks for very generous giveaway!

I’m in. Very generous of you.

count me in.

Thanks for the giveaway, I’d like to be in!

i’m in

Very nice of you, not ever won anything, but not in, as i’m on the list for the FW3A :slight_smile: which is too similar.

I wish everyone the best of luck.