NarsilM - configurable e-switch firmware for Multi channels, v1.3

I do know that NarsilM can be programmed to go to Turbo, do 2 blinks, go to moon or do nothing when first powered on.

I think your trying to get it to switch between 2 of those options at power on.

Hmmm, interesting idea.

Right now my work around, for my L6 with turbo at power on, is to just cover the head like with my hand or leg then power on and hit side switch. Now I can turn back on in moon if I want.

Your wanting to improve on that?

Yes. I want it to come on in turbo like normal if all I do is close the mechanical tail clicky, but I want it to come on in moonlight if the e-switch is closed at power-up. Basically I just need the code that currently sets it to turbo at power-up (which I’ve already found, its not hard to see how that works…I think) to check the e-switch first and if that input is closed, do moonlight instead. It should be a simple if-else statement, but…that didn’t work for me. I’m missing (or misunderstanding) something.

Its not a new idea so I get no credit. EagleTac’s “tactical” dual-switch lights work like this, like my DX30LC2. Its a good feature.

I've played around with it the other day in 2 channel Q8 configuration, and could not find or notice any issues whatsoever.

So, I don't know what problem or issue you are referring to exactly, but apparently you are using a triple channel configuration, not 2 channel.

This is pretty easy to do. I'll work on it in v1.1 which is still "in progress". Haven't had much time to work on it as of late. I've added it to the current OpenIssues.txt file, shown here:

Open Issues
- re-work triple channel ramping tables: add more to the FET range, check/test for different
# of 7135's in the bank (5/27: not sure this is necessary now with new 3 chan ramping table)
- (from JasonWWW) triple channel mode sets are not completely defined, and are different than 2
chans - need to, at a minimum, document it this way
- (from JasonWWW) possible problem with mode memory in 3 chan config - must check it out

Possible New Features
- besides supporting turbo/max on power up, add support if powered up with the button pressed,
come up in moon (lowest) mode
- joechina recommended to do a quick ramp to max, maybe even quick fade to OFF to ease tension to
the eyes. The Olight A1R does this.
- enhancing tailswitch support: full mode sets w/memory (Lexel)
- add ability to have timed and temp step down simultaneously (Lexel)
- research "bump protection" - tolerate a short loss of power
- build in a method to show the current config settings
- more blinky modes, like lightning, campfire, etc.

Done Issues/Features

- FIXED: Tom E: in mode sets, step down settings wasn't working correctly
- FIXED: 1 Lexel/BLF spotted: Blinkies unable to turn off in ramping
- FIXED: delay processing of fast click operations to avoid max/turbo flash and allow more fast
click options (over 4 doesn't work)
- DONE: add in buck driver support cleanly (BLF GT)
- DONE: add momentary/tactical mode

Awesome, thank you!

From the Q8 thread

My two cents:

In battery check:
You write about percent discharge. I guess more people (including me) find it easier to remember if it would be remaining capacity in the table.

Also nice would be a guess how long the Q8 if it runs on 3.25V.

I also don’t know if it runs 10 min or 1 hour if it steps down.

Maybe a runtime graph could be added when a production version hit our shelves?

What exactly is bad with the sailboat 7135? I just got some of them from Intl-outdoors and was thinking of stacking them on a convoy driver.

So, we got the normal 3 channel TA board working as a 2 channel FET+1 with 1 cell.

Now, what would need to be done to get the TA 20-30mm LDO board to work as a 1 channel FET only 2s+ cells?

I have the 30mm TA LDO built. I'm using the MIC5235-5.0YM5 LDO with R1 of 360k and R2 at 47k, C1 and C2 at 10uf, R3 100k, R4 47 ohm, R5 4.7 ohm, R6 0 ohm jumper, R7 0 ohm jumper, D1 nothing ? , SIR800 FET, and Attiny85V 10SU.

Is the D1 Schottky required with the LDO 2s?

I reassigned the pins in the RegisterSettings.h, made the change in the main() to enable PWM on pin 3, used the Setups-1Chan.h, un commented #define USING_360K, commented out the #define D1_DIODE 2. Fuses are lfuse 0xE2, hfuse 0xDE, efuse 0xff.

When I connect power to the driver, 2s connected to an MTG2, the led erratically flickers for several seconds until it finally blinks 2wice and stops for awhile. It'll ramp up and down, do turbo, bat check, strobes and then all of a sudden it's doing its own thing. It'll ramp to max on its own and I'm unable to shut it off or anything else with the e switch. Sometimes it works but most of the time it's Psycho!

I've swapped the caps, MCU and the FET. I've tried a few different things with the firmware but it's always the same

I'm sure there's something super simple I'm missing. Please help...

Nothing wrong with the sailboat for 4.2v 1 cell drivers. They work.

It's when you use 8.4v 2+ cells in series that they'll fry.

I’m not sure why it didn’t work for you. It worked for me:

However, there is one caveat. For some reason, after booting in moon mode, it refuses to ramp until after turning the light off and back on. Instead of holding to ramp, it needs a “click, release, hold” to ramp the first time. No idea why, and I didn’t see an obvious fix. It still responds for other hold events though, like entering config mode or triggering the auto-lockout after 20 seconds. But I think maybe the “holdHandled” var is getting stuck in the wrong state somehow until after a regular click.

That’s probably a task for reviewers. With so many people getting a Q8 soon, there will probably be runtime graphs in some of the reviews.

Narsil doesn’t really know or care how much battery capacity there is or how the battery’s discharge curve looks, so it isn’t going to be giving any good remaining runtime estimates. When voltage gets too low, it reduces output. Then it keeps going until voltage gets too low again. If this happens when the output is already on the floor, it shuts off. It has no idea how long each step will last. It depends on a bunch of factors, including what kind of batteries are used.

People dislike the failboat 7135 chips because their activation speed is so slow. IIRC, they don’t light up most LEDs until a PWM level of about 6/255, and they’re pretty unstable at the low end so they’re bad for lights with a moon mode. The minimum output also tends to vary quite a bit with cell voltage, which is undesirable.

Other 7135 chips have much better low-end response, and are generally preferred for that reason. Some of the best ones give a nice stable moon mode at level 1/255, some require 2 or 3, and others have even higher floor levels.

What host do you use to test new NarsilM versions?

NarsilM works on a wide variety of lights, so it’s fairly easy to find a test host for features which aren’t hardware-specific. I’ve used an Emisar D4 and a SRK with prototype Q8 driver, or of course the Q8 works well. Or almost anything with an e-switch and a FET/7135-based driver.

But mostly I use a decapitated D4 with the driver hanging out. Hank sent me some parts which were prototypes or which failed QA, and I use them for development purposes:

Oh, um, also an adjustable bench power supply. It’s particularly helpful for testing LVP. I ended up with a couple due to some phone-related stuff I was doing…

But if one of those isn’t available, it also works to simply hold wires onto a battery.

Thanks TK, I’ll give your code a try. On first glance I see the difference in what we did — I was putting my if-else statement inside the if(ramping) statement instead of outside and duplicating the check. Not sure what the difference is functionally since only one branch of that code is going to run anyway, but I guess there is one. I’ll pull up my edits and compare. Thank you!

Can confirm that code works on my setup too. Not sure what I was doing wrong, but thanks! I do have the same ‘bug’ you report, the ramping doesn’t work until the driver is cycled off and back on using the e-switch, and its got other flakiness like cycling off if you release the side switch too soon after power-up, but its a start. Thanks again!

Is it possible to (Compile) and (Assemble) a NarsilMv10-31s.hex?

Put it on the OP link.

I wish mod a Manker U11 (4 LED)(side switch)

So I figured this out. For some reason the switch pin on the MCU was malfunctioning. I was poking around with the dmm and noticed there was 21k ohm from the switch pin to ground. I thought maybe the eswitch was the source but after some more troubleshooting I removed the MCU and measured from the ground pin to the switch pin and it was 21k ohm. A new unused MCU measured several mega ohms. After swapping the MCU it works...

I think this was discussed in the Q8 thread but that moves so darn fast it’s well buried by now and can’t find it.

Is there an easy way or shortcut to 100% 7135 while in ramping mode? Only way I know of is to yo-yo between 1 and 2 button blinks to indicate 7135 or fet

To my knowledge there is no Shortcut to full 7135 in NarsilM v1.0.

The Emisar lamps have one.