ReyLight Pineapple mini (copper) AAA/10440 flashlight (OP Updated)


in please


Any info on the capacitor added to remove the pre-flash?

Problem fixed, later I will try to add something in the OP.

Problem fixed. We have manually fixed the drivers, made 3 samples. Video here.
No pre-flash. OK.
Starts at moon after 3 seconds off. OK.

Will make a new batch of drivers and then assemble.
I could send you new drivers . But the driver is press-fit into the alu pill, it might be hard to pull out. I might send the whole assembly. Easier to swap.
Driver = 4$, assembly = 6$

Any chance of getting the new driver or assembly through Amazon as well?

Light from amazon, driver from me later.

Mine is on the way from Massdrop — thank you for the partial refund, WWEFANS.

Once it gets here I’ll see how much the pre-flash and memory bug me. Who knows, maybe the refund/rebate will just go to subsidize another order from Amazon :slight_smile:

Right on. Thanks.


thank you.

edit: with assembly, please.

Rey, mine with assembly, please. Thanks.

Rey, My unit cheap as possible! thanks. :smiley:
(I am 30 in the list)

Mine with assembly please. Thanks.


Thank you.

It really doesn’t bother me in everyday use. Hardly noticeable unless I look at the LED closely.

Seems there isn’t many MD users here.

In for one, thanks.

In for one, please.

In - Amazon

IN for two please
For Europe.
Thank you!

Make it into an AAA MiniTiLan please. With a clicky tailswitch :D. I’m in for 5 then. Doen with copper and brass.