Workshop and machinery mods and tips,

thanks haave been thinking about a tumbler…

You need to build two. No need to guess why. Theres plenty of videos on YouTube to help you. Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

interesting you should say that I watched a 20 min video of a guy building one .then he went and bought one as the one he made was junk

if I make one you will be first inline to receive my rejects.

hopefully i will have the funds to step it up a bit soon…

Michael (RC-Drehteile) from the taschenlampen-forum made one and it seems to work pretty well. You can see his build and some results in this topic: zu faul zum selbst polieren :) | Taschenlampen Forum

What seems to be the most important as well as most expensive thing is the abrasive.

looks fairly easy to build thanks fritz…

I made up a spindle stop for the lathe. 2 parts - wheel and stop. I printed off a 24 section circle from the net and stuck it to the wheel and scored the wheel for future clarity. I don’t think it’s super strong but should enough for this little lathe and what I do. Also I can’t fit the gear cover while this is attached :cry:

Thx for the idea , this could come in handy :+1:

You made that quick or you had it hidden. Very nice. :+1:

Thanks pp a clamping degree wheel.

Ive ground marks on my chuck about every 15 degrees wich i have used for drilling or running grooves along the side of pieces. It doesnt clamp though.

I see in your picture a rpm sensor laying at the back how is that incorporated.

Is this for the beginning of or compleetion of a project?

I don’t have a specific build in mind. I have wanted something like this on my lathe but only got around to it the other day. I initially had the idea of using a bicycle chainring but put it in the too hard basket. I like the simplicity of this idea as well as the increments are not fixed.

The RPM DRO is okay but usually don’t use it when working with aluminium. It’s a simple add-on that can be had fairly cheap You just need to supply your own power and magnet for the hall sensor.

Any particular sort of magnet for the hall sensor?

Sorry Moose I missed your post. I used a small neodymium magnet (about 10mm x 2mm) on the back end of the spindle. It was strong enough to hold itself on without being flung off.

But that’s all in the past. I sold the little lathe and bought a slightly bigger one. It doesn’t have electronically variable speed (yet) but so far I haven’t missed it much. I don’t know why but I’m having trouble posting pics tonight so a link to the album will have to suffice My brother helped me set it up on Saturday. I did a test cut on a piece of aluminium and ended up making a spindle handle out of it. My drill press got pushed off the bench so I need to do a little reorganising. All in all happy with the upgrade.

Nice one pp…Looks a bit like a hare and forbes ?
Hope to see some trick projects soon

Yep, Hafco (H are A nd F orbes Co .) AL-250g

Is it a trick project when I make scrap? :laughing:

This one great addition to the cave.
No such thing as scrap .it was a lesson.
And usually there a piece left over fo later use

New lathe. I’m lathe envy. :slight_smile: When do we see end results? :stuck_out_tongue:

This was meant to be a result but turned out to be a lesson. Was attempting to make a part for a tail switch, ended up removing too much so the diameter was too small. This lathe removes the material faster. Since I screwed it up I put one knurling wheel on it for shits and giggles.

Google Photos

I do have a scratch build in mind. The led I want to use will need to be ordered. Just need to come up with a map (quality blue prints LTP style) and then put some blinkers on so as not to get distracted.

Hey lads i have been meaning to head to Hare and Forbes to check out a drill press. Would any one know if they are any good? They make there own brand press its either i buy a cheap one like a Ozito or i go more expensive by a bit no middle ground.

Its all the way out west and only open half day Saturday so i am waiting till i am free.

I was also looking at the smaller model Lathe to this model it looks good for the price.

You could also look at second hand drill presses Chris. Mine is old but slightly better quality than the cheap Chinese ones on the market now.

everyday s.g.

I paid 120 for my drill press from gumtree

if you can stretch a bit further I have seen these on gumtree /ebay for around 600

not near me

heavy around 350kg

bit less popular than the geared head ones .
don’t be scared of 3 phase as converters can be had for 130ish