Emisar D1 / D1S review


Wow! I just may try something like that.

Does anyone have beam shots of the d1s? Youtube dont havere any reviews of the light

I posted some a few pages back.

There are beamshots in my review - link in my signature!

Got my D1S today, really neat light, beam profile is excellent! :slight_smile: Finish is superb, very equal application and yes, a little on the rough side which aids grip so I’m not concerned with that aspect. The AR coating is like gold or something, pretty cool there too.

Got really cold last night, so this light is frigid out of the box! LOL (got down to 25º, wicked cold for this old Texan)

No sense in messing around, right? So my new D1S now has Anduril and an Vishay SIR404DP MOSFET. Without changing the wires or bypassing springs it’s doing 1560 lumens in Turbo level. :slight_smile: Me Likey! :smiley:

I think I mentioned it previously, but you might try clear Plasti-Dip. It would let the color show through, and be 100% removable.

So, last night I put an XP-L2 in my new D1S and it was making good lumens but the spot was large and had a yellow corona. This morning I sliced the XP-L2 and it tightened it up, but the corona was still ugly. So I diced the phosphor off the sides leaving it looking a lot like an XP-L HI, the corona cleared up nicely. It’s pulling 7.98A from a 30Q, doing 2021 lumens with a 118.75Kcd. Pretty neat light! Lightning bursts are impressive and candlelight works beautifully, think I’ll keep it. :wink:

Thank you for the beam shots!

This is indeed a very intriguing light, more throw but less floody compared to the D4.

I’m nuts, (as in I have too many lights!), but at $40.00 I couldn’t pass up getting a D1. Looks like one of the best 18650 lights ever especially for the price. It was great that mtnelectronics carries them.

Can anyone tell me if the D1 accepts BOTH flat top and button top 18650’s?

Button top should barely fit. Protected cells likely won’t fit at all. Unprotected flat top is recommended.

Thank you ToyKeeper and thanks for a great review!

Stick with flat tops. I have some button top MH1s that just barely fit in my D1, but my button top MJ1s don’t fit at all. Protected cells won’t fit and won’t meet the current needs.

I did spring bypasses in my D1S and it stiffened up the springs to the point that the flat top 30Q was a problem. So I simply removed the driver spring and solder blobbed it. Works great now. Enjoyed the candlelight mode quite a lot last night. :smiley:

Dare we ask what you were doing under candle light?

You mightn’t need to ask… :wink:

Thanks to you too Thetasigma. Even though I have plenty of spare 18650’s, I realized all of them are protected cells except for two cheapie lower capacity unprotected flat tops. This light deserves better so I ordered two new Efest 3000 mAh cells from Ebay at a great price to be used exclusively in the D1.

I had checked with Richard at mtnelectronics but he was out of them. The seller on Ebay lists the Efest cells as the new version cells and calls them Li-MN instead of Li-ion. Whats that all about? I’ve never heard of Li-MN. Typo or what?

Some time back Powerizer made a 26650 that was Li-Ni-Mn-Co and really rocked, the later tech is Li-NiMn in chemical construction and as safe as they been able to make them as far as I know. They might vent but are highly unlikely to explode.

From Battery University.

Very interesting! Thanks for that Dale. I never realized there were so many Li-ion chemistries. Looks like the Li-MN should be fine.

Got mine (D1Svn) yesterday and that darn Olson Black is frikkin’ awesome! Moonlight throws more than 200 feet. My yard isn’t even close to big enough to let this light shine. Gonna have to take to the river!
Love the dry finish on the black D1S. Very dry feeling and you can hold on to the thing quite well. Never got hot but with 650 lumens it prolly wasn’t going to.
I thought my D1 threw pretty well, well the Olson makes it look like a AA Maglite! Can’t wait to try it with the Giggles GT when it comes.