Review Sofirn SP10B + 3 lights Giveaway - Winners Posted

I’m in, but not in the US

I’m in the US

I’m in US

I’m in the U.S.


“I’m in, but not in the US”

“I’m in, but not in the US”

“I’m in, but not in the US”

I’m in, but not in the US

I’m in, but not in the US.

“I’m in, but not in the US”


I’m in, but not in the US

I’m in the US (thanks)

Thnx for the review it’s always good to look at another gift-able light.

I’m in, but not in the US

I’m in, but not in the US


I’m in the US,
Thanks Robert, and Sofirn!

I’m in the US

“I’m in, but not in the US”

In, in, in! USA, too!

I really like the ’10B, and bought 3 black ones on 11.11. Would love another color… :smiley:

I’m in the US. Thanks

Im in the US