FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

Please sign me up for one of them. Thanks

The sad thing is if they made it in both styles I would probably get one of each. lol

Yep… I feel the same way. I would too…… :wink:

Same here. Give me one of each!

IF…. I were forced to choose only one, all else being equal; I’d go with the tapered one.
But there is no ‘deal breaker’ in that statement at all. Either one, or whatever else may emerge; works for me. :+1:

My thought exactly teacher.

/\\ … :+1:

As others mentioned I do like both, that being said if the original design wins out I do prefer the raw finish to the matte whereas the matte looks great on the tapered prototype.

I would like to be on the list please.



I prefer the tapered version personally but would buy either one. I’d especially love to see it with a few different knurling patterns/proportions. And I really liked that medium light gray with a matte satin finish on the protos tailcap.

interested to be on the list

I would have to agree with teacher. They Both Look Good! I would have to order One of each, if Not 2 of each, if I had to choose between the two versions! This is the Perfect minimally Designed Flashlight that I have ever seen Wrapped Tightly around a Battery that’s Capible of So Much More than it’s purpose as an EDC, with a Perfect pocket clip too boot! I sure would like to have 1 Now to use and tryout & order 3 more when they are manufactured. :slight_smile: ! Oops I believe I was Dreaming.

What I see is a light that requires a new clip. I want it setup for deep pocket carry. I could care less whether or not it has the 45 edges or sharp 90 edges. I’m not even so sure I really want this light anymore. I’m at the point in my flashoholism where I don’t want lights that don’t suit a practical purpose in some way.


Sounds good, saves a lot of money. I’m not there yet though :frowning:

Do I need the light? No.

Do I want the light? Yes.

Reason enough. (But my rate of acquisition is slowing down.)

Goodness that looks nice. Even if the light started with a raw it would wind up looking matte after a little wear so might as well start with matte.

And the taper is very nicely done on the FW3; much better than “Concept.”

This body size and clip style is popular enough that somebody probably makes a loopover clip that will fit if you want it to carry deeper. Personally, I don’t love really deep carry; half the point of a clip is so that I don’t have to reach deep into my pocket and fish it out.

Only if your idea of “a little wear” includes bead blasting. Lol

Put me down for one!