The NEW Sofirn C8F Triple XP-L W2 w/side e-switch

Some discount coupons available here, Nooner (don't know if they can be applied to items on sale):


Didn’t know there’s 2 types convoy C8 Stainless bezel! Any way to tell the difference? I just ordered one yesterday from gearbest, wondering now which one I’ll get.

The old C8 SS bezel was never for sale as a separate part a.f.a.i.k.
Some UltraFire C8’s had them i.i.r.c.

Check this out… just now, 11:30 PM, totally quiet house, the kid’s asleep, was sitting at my desk reading this thread, getting ready to reply to one of Dale’s posts and heard a noise somewhere, picked up my C8F walked out to the living room and immediately saw a bright red light outside, right in front of the window! It’s a taillight! WTF - Right in my front yard! Fast double clicked the C8F and walked out front with turbo blazing, (no shoes on)…

So there’s this SUV sitting right in the middle of my front yard! about 3 feet from my house. I’m beaming the C8F on turbo… lit up the SUV and front yard LIKE DAYLIGHT!

Now I don’t see no one in the SUV, again WTF!! I start shining the light around the yard then a woman appears around the back of the SUV, pretty sure I totally blinded her, as she was holding her hand up over her eyes! She looked harmless so I shined the light downward, she starts asking me where some street number is… she’s looking for her son. I asked if she realized she drove right into my yard! She apologized and I told her which direction to go and she pulled out. whoosh! adrenaline rush!

So the Sofirn C8F was the ultimate “tactical” light tonight! Put that quick access turbo 3000lm to the test!!

Yes! At first I thought maybe she was just desperate to find her son, then I realized she must have been drunk and probably wasn’t looking for anyone, it all happened so fast and with the adrenaline rush I really couldn’t give a good description of the car and sure didn’t get the plate number. Called PD anyhow they’re going to check it out!

Yeah, can’t quite claim the new C8F was what I had (I think it was the original C8F, but I’m not sure; something bright, maybe my F13, can’t recall), but I had some jackass try to squeeze a 12’ minivan into a 13’ spot in front of my car. Needless to say, unsuccessfully.

Two women were outside on the sidewalk watching his attempts, and this joker keeps parking-by-braille and rapping my front bumper, ’though not terribly hard. I’m watching at the screen door, just shaking my head. After the 3rd-4th attempt, I go, “Okay, clearly, this is not working…”, and the women turn and see me, horrified. One knocks on the side window to get his attention. Nope, one more attempt.

Bam! Hits my bumper good. “Okay… ENOUGH!”, and I come outside and light up the inside of his minivan with my light. Like, daylight. He pauses, then drives off(!), leaving the two women behind to go chasing after him.

So I definitely see the appeal of lighting up these bozos.

And agreed, Ms DrinksALot was probably half-’faced. Same idjits who’d drive into someone’s pool, use the off-ramp to drive the wrong way on the highway, etc. 20/20 hindsight, I know, but I definitely would’ve gotten her plate and called it in.

I don’t like ratting out anyone, but I wouldn’t want it on my conscience if one of those would go head-on with a family of 4 on their way home from auntie’s house, or a waitress just coming off-shift, etc.

VERY cool. Especially for someone (me) stalled in “yesterday” and stock BST is brightest flashlight!


This with only 18ga wire, swapped Mosfet, AR lens and 20ga Turnigy bypass, correct?

Since I wouldn’t be able to do the driver mods, can you say if there’s an “off the shelf” driver from MTN to drop in it that could get somewhere near to the output you’re getting with what you’ve done?

Yeah, guess I went into too much detail, the point was really about the flashlight tho…Edited.

Where did he say there were children in the house?

I have to agree, couldn’t have said it better.

Hey, I don’t want to be Mr JJJS (John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt), but let’s all just chillax a bit, eh? :smiley:

I said my kid was asleep.

I’m glad I had my C8F handy (among other things) to protect my family. I must say when I first heard the noise and saw the light up close out the window, the first thing that flashed in my mind was if someone was trying to get into the house through my boy’s bedroom window, (his bedroom window is adjacent to the living room window where I saw the car)
We live in a rural area, so seeing a car close to the house in my front yard at 11:30 PM was very unusual, to say the least.

Thanks for your concern. Answering your question was not the priority, had a few things to say first, and I edited my post…anyhow in order to avoid any further de-railment or controversy here I’m not going to go into any real detail to answer your inquiry or concerns. Only to say that with 40 years of safe firearm ownership under my belt you need not worry, I have my ways, and my kid’s safety is foremost.

No hard feelings to anyone and sorry to derail! :slight_smile: Now back to discussion of this awesome C8F flashlight!

:+1: :+1:

Step away from my own thread for just a few hours and miss everything! Geesh! :stuck_out_tongue:

I definitely would have taken a phone shot of the car, the plate, the woman…. makes it easy when the police show up to just show them a pic of the car and a pic of the plate, they’re all over it. :wink:
(AFTER they get the information on where to get that light, of course!)

In a perfect world, maybe. I sure didn’t have my phone on me when I ran out there. Good point though Hopefully I’ll think of that next time something like this happens. It all happened so fast and once I concluded there was no danger she was gone pretty quick, before I could think about much about a plate number. But this flashlight was the star of the show! :heart_eyes:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks Jerommel, thought he meant there were two types (old & new) of SS bezel by Convoy.

I have a really old Guide Gear brand C8 from 2011 and the bezel (not SS) swaps perfectly with the sideswitch C8F bezel.

When I tried the Convoy SS bezel it screwed on fine but the lens was very loose, could probably fix this with a second O-ring applied on top of the lens. It’s a neat look, thought about taking steps (like mounting the SS bezel in the lathe and reducing the length by cutting away some stock on the threaded end and re-cutting the o-ring land) but wanted to keep the Sofirn light a Sofirn light and not mix it up with Convoy parts. Just giving Sofirn credit where the credit is due, that kind of thing. Might go ahead and modify the original tail clicky light since it’s already heavily modified. :slight_smile: