The NEW Sofirn C8F Triple XP-L W2 w/side e-switch

Hey, I donā€™t want to be Mr JJJS (John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt), but letā€™s all just chillax a bit, eh? :smiley:

I said my kid was asleep.

Iā€™m glad I had my C8F handy (among other things) to protect my family. I must say when I first heard the noise and saw the light up close out the window, the first thing that flashed in my mind was if someone was trying to get into the house through my boyā€™s bedroom window, (his bedroom window is adjacent to the living room window where I saw the car)
We live in a rural area, so seeing a car close to the house in my front yard at 11:30 PM was very unusual, to say the least.

Thanks for your concern. Answering your question was not the priority, had a few things to say first, and I edited my postā€¦anyhow in order to avoid any further de-railment or controversy here Iā€™m not going to go into any real detail to answer your inquiry or concerns. Only to say that with 40 years of safe firearm ownership under my belt you need not worry, I have my ways, and my kidā€™s safety is foremost.

No hard feelings to anyone and sorry to derail! :slight_smile: Now back to discussion of this awesome C8F flashlight!

:+1: :+1:

Step away from my own thread for just a few hours and miss everything! Geesh! :stuck_out_tongue:

I definitely would have taken a phone shot of the car, the plate, the womanā€¦. makes it easy when the police show up to just show them a pic of the car and a pic of the plate, theyā€™re all over it. :wink:
(AFTER they get the information on where to get that light, of course!)

In a perfect world, maybe. I sure didnā€™t have my phone on me when I ran out there. Good point though Hopefully Iā€™ll think of that next time something like this happens. It all happened so fast and once I concluded there was no danger she was gone pretty quick, before I could think about much about a plate number. But this flashlight was the star of the show! :heart_eyes:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks Jerommel, thought he meant there were two types (old & new) of SS bezel by Convoy.

I have a really old Guide Gear brand C8 from 2011 and the bezel (not SS) swaps perfectly with the sideswitch C8F bezel.

When I tried the Convoy SS bezel it screwed on fine but the lens was very loose, could probably fix this with a second O-ring applied on top of the lens. Itā€™s a neat look, thought about taking steps (like mounting the SS bezel in the lathe and reducing the length by cutting away some stock on the threaded end and re-cutting the o-ring land) but wanted to keep the Sofirn light a Sofirn light and not mix it up with Convoy parts. Just giving Sofirn credit where the credit is due, that kind of thing. Might go ahead and modify the original tail clicky light since itā€™s already heavily modified. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m interested in that original tail clicky light for a mod host. Does it have the same size MCPCB as this? What emitters are you running in that one? Reflector or TIR? Donā€™t want to de-rail too much here if thereā€™s another thread about that? (sorry if you mentioned it earlier here)

I used the 32mm Noctigon, put XP-L V6 3D emitters on it. Works great with the stock triple reflector and is even impressive with their driver, 3300 lumens if I recall, didnā€™t even go to larger spring bypasses (itā€™s bypassed out of the box)

Thanks, great! I can use the stock reflector and stock driver for now, I may want to swap the driver later with something programmable.

Also thanks for your reply with the MCPCB sourcing info in the host thread where I also posted.

Anyone else have their spring bypasses fail? I received my C8F last week and both the bypasses have failed from what looks like fatigue at the base of the springs. Not sure if itā€™s worth doing anything about though, I figure theyā€™ll all fail eventually if mine did so quickly, unless a more flexible bypass is used. Not sure what the loss in output is. I didnā€™t notice it visually, but itā€™s kind of annoying. Iā€™ve been running a Sony VTC6 along with the included cell.

You may not realize that the spring bypass, from the company, is virtually non-existent. This is a rare occasion, far from annoyingā€¦ promising. To have them go to that kind of trouble for us, thatā€™s promising and a great incentive to buy Sofirn. :wink:

Since this is my thread, Iā€™ll go there. I know for a lot of people that werenā€™t raised around guns the very idea can be somewhat shocking, having guns in the house with kids. But for those of us that grew up with guns, shot guns since we could hold both ends up off the ground, itā€™s as natural as putting on shoes (or leaving them off if it ainā€™t Sunday). I started shooting when I was about 5, long guns, some Real long gunsā€¦ military issue with 1000yd adjustable sights. Steel butt plates. Yeah, learned the hard way. But itā€™s a way of life, most of us in the South grew up shooting squirrels and opossumā€™s and skunks and whatever else had the dogs riled up at night.

The point is, we are all raised the way our folks wanted us raised. Shocking to some, at home and easy to others. We each have different backgrounds, so donā€™t let your own aversions make you blind to someone elseā€™s natural hobby or habit. To each his own, or as I read in a book once, Leave to otherā€™s their otherness. :wink:

PS: As an asideā€¦ people have been hurting people long before guns were invented. Knives were very popular for decades, centuries, even still are. But, where are the kitchen knives? Anybody supervising the children around the knives? The car keys? Carā€™s kill people at an ever alarming rate, but how many people toss the keys on the counter where the kids can get em? See? Training, thereā€™s a lot out there that can hurt us, training our children to recognize what to, and not to, doā€¦. thatā€™s the key.

And arenā€™t our Li-ion cells potentially dangerous? Isnā€™t a 4,000+ lumen light capable of doing harm? Do we supervise or do we train? A pencil can jab out an eye, train safe use. Like everything else in our house. Electricity, scissors, even the soap in the bathtub. Think Iā€™m crazy? Let your kid leave the soap on the floor of the tub and you step in for a showerā€¦. aaaaaagh! Canā€™t do away with all the dangers, but we CAN train our children to think. :wink: (theyā€™re not children very long)

Does it come in copper?

I think itā€™s awesome that they were included from the factory, but Iā€™m annoyed that they have failed after owning the light for one week. Not all that useful of a feature to include if it fails so quickly, but I think itā€™s an awesome idea. I was just wondering if my situation was unique or if others experienced bypass failure so quickly.


Does what come in copper?

Well said, Dale. Thereā€™s people I wouldnā€™t let into the same house with my guns. But like you, I was raised with a healthy respect for them as a tool for fetching squirrels, doves, ducks, deer, coyotes, etc. Never had them locked up growing up and never thought twice about it.

We just donā€™t seem to do as good of a job on training these days. Heck, I struggle with it with my own kids. You can constrain people for only so long, eventually youā€™ll need to trust theyā€™ll do the right thing when situations come up.

Soā€¦ about that sweet new C8F :wink:

Yeah, thanks to your encouragement to check at Arrow (Iā€™ve used them before but so much is a quantity order, took some hunting butā€¦) I have some XP-L2ā€™s ordered that will, according to them, be here Saturday. Yeah right! Monday probably, but thatā€™s soon enough anyway as all my gear is put up for the house full of people weā€™re about to have here.

Looking forward to a side switched triple C8 with 2ā€™s in it!!! :smiley: