The NEW Sofirn C8F Triple XP-L W2 w/side e-switch

Well said, Dale. There’s people I wouldn’t let into the same house with my guns. But like you, I was raised with a healthy respect for them as a tool for fetching squirrels, doves, ducks, deer, coyotes, etc. Never had them locked up growing up and never thought twice about it.

We just don’t seem to do as good of a job on training these days. Heck, I struggle with it with my own kids. You can constrain people for only so long, eventually you’ll need to trust they’ll do the right thing when situations come up.

So… about that sweet new C8F :wink:

Yeah, thanks to your encouragement to check at Arrow (I’ve used them before but so much is a quantity order, took some hunting but…) I have some XP-L2’s ordered that will, according to them, be here Saturday. Yeah right! Monday probably, but that’s soon enough anyway as all my gear is put up for the house full of people we’re about to have here.

Looking forward to a side switched triple C8 with 2’s in it!!! :smiley:

That will be nice! :heart_eyes:

tcv4, for spring bypasses to endure the wire needs to be coiled first, just slightly but enough for it to homogeneously compress inside the spring. Either this or it'll eventually crack after n cycles.

Cheers ^:)

Soooo true! Yes this is what is MOST important! Some may not agree, but in my mind, it’s actually more important than where the guns are kept.


My son is 10 and he’s a pretty damn good shot! For the record yes a pistol could be sitting on the table here, but WITHOUT the MAG… (I ALWAYS remove the mag and keep it where only I have access to it) And at the time of last nights episode it was sitting right beside me, right next to my C8F!

I do it this way instead of hiding it loaded, (locking it up would defeat the purpose) this way there’s never a loaded gun anywhere. And all the chef knives are in the block on the counter, right next to the car keys. :smiley:


Out of spontaneity in my post (pre-edit) I mentioned picking up the pistol, but didn’t bother to outline all the specifics of how I operate. :slight_smile:

Wasn’t going to elaborate here and hope not to entice further derailment, but since Dale went first… :innocent:

Walked the big trash can down to the road for morning pick-up carrying the C8F with me. It’s really a nice light, easily carried, enough modes to cover a wide range of uses, some sheer power to belt out coverage at 250-300 yds. I ran it mostly on high, with some Turbo. It warmed up but didn’t get hot. The night was about 67º and humid, ground wet from a previous light shower with more promised. The more I use it, the more I like it, and the less action my other lights get. :wink:


Have you ever thought what… grunge… lives inside those rather inaccessible slots that the knives slide into? :confounded:

I keep all my knives in a rather nice flat tray. :smiley:

It not only has pads, they’re populated and with resistors in place! :slight_smile:

(My internet is acting wonky, swore I saw Jason ask about the switch pcb……)

Yeah I have. Can’t post my own photo right now (Photobucket :rage: ) But my “Knife Block” is almost exactly like this…

I have 2 of them identical side by side, holding a total of 12 knives. Soooo nice…the Acrylic panels are easily removed for cleaning!

I asked in post #30 and you already answered.

But remind me, what size boot do they use on the switch?

If I get one of these xpl versions I’d probably do a clear boot cover, custom color leds and maybe a TA driver with narsil.

I think I would like to use the SST40 leds on it, but I’m not sure how easy that would be. It would be nice if Mtn Elec could put them on one of his triple boards, but I don’t think he carries that led, yet.

Edit, I think he does carry the sst40, but maybe not a triple mcpcb that they fit on.

Flashlights, cars, guns, kids, knives. This is becoming a VERY diverse thread! :person_facepalming:

Those are all Dales favorite subjects!

There ya go!

Yeah, they were definitely slightly coiled from the factory such that the wire could bend in the middle. The wires are also super pliable being as thin as they are. They seem to have fatigued at the solder joint. Both sides went after maybe 10-20 cycles combined with carrying it in my pocket daily.

The C8F flashlight host? like the BLF X6 special edition.

Jason seems to know me quite well! :slight_smile:

Looks to be 11mm for the actual switch button Jason. The SST-40 might require the holes in the reflector to be opened up, the XP-L2 is close in output and would fit without alteration.

Richard did have a 32mm MCPCB from Cutter that was triple XM footprint, that would work.

And yes, I too would love a full copper C8F :smiley:

There was discussion on the SW cover in IMA4W review thread. Dimensions were listed. Stock cover is shallow, L6 fits but too high IMO. You can light under the stock SW cover, it is translucent.
Review: Sofirn C8F XPL (Pic Heavy)

TPad has an XM size board and Richard sells them. I can’t say it will work in the C8F reflector but it is the same LED circular footprint (Ledil Optic fitment) as the XP32 dale used.
TPAD XM / XHP50 32mm Copper MCPCB

Right, TPad is a Cutter product. Whatever Richard has left in stock is probably the last T-Pad’s he will have. Then they will have to be ordered from Australia.

And while the emitters will center properly on the reflector openings the substrate is larger and may cause the need to open the emitter hole in the reflector.

All we need now is some talk on photography. Lol

Out of curiosity, will a Convoy C8 tail cap or the Sofirn tail cap with the switch fit this C8F?

I’d like to get this C8F, but I need to change a lot of stuff. I don’t like NW emitters, so I gotta change that. I’d like a tail switch so I can shut off all power. I’d like a clear side switch cover so I can do my custom color leds (which cause drain). I’d want to swap the driver to a TA version with NarsilM. I’d also like it to use a 26650, but I guess I can settle for an 18650. Idk, maybe I should just hold off on buying this light.

Get the Host version off Ali Express Sofirn store for $13. No Brainer IMO.
Sofirn C8F host listed on Aliexpress for 13.21$