LED drivers and Accessories you want, but don’t exist

You can get similar numbers with 3V LEDs, for ex. 3x Luxeon V would do ~3x1500lm at 4A each, and with good regulation time becuase of low Vf (~3.15V)

You can fit tiny85 here.

Attiny85 with Narsil switch pad added

also all 3 pads unused now availiable,
one shares the voltage divider, which is in Narsil the indicator LED pad

Will you be releasing schematics and parts list? It looks like the ATtiny1634 will fit nicely.

I will release everything when it’s tested.

Which is part of why I will be working on and testing yours (plus the latest design is better).

Only interested in this design too. Loneoceans did release his stuff, but to my knowledge no one other than him actually built one. Now he ain’t here no more.

yeah Shoki is working with Eagle and I am with Diptrace, but final design should be technically identical

Then why bother messing with the design? Just use Schoki’s design once it is released.

Just in case and to cross-check for any errors creeping in?

basically why I was not happy with poor cooling of the boost chip with no viases to the other layers and the option to put more boards on a Seeed 10x10 board in production

and I got no Eagle, no advanced license for it and I think getting used to a 2. program is too much

did a 24-30mm variant

OPA parts got closer together
12mm inductor to save money with better performance

Patiently waiting for the single cell XHP50.2 goodness. Any tests!? :slight_smile:

Still waiting for parts and PCB’s to arrive.

I did some light load bench tests, before I fried my driver. The most I did was 8W for 15min in free air, with an XHP35.
No problem for the driver at all. The XHP35 was a few centimeters next to the driver, and was shining on it a bit (when I blocked the light shining on the driver with my hand, it got pretty warm). Even with that, the driver got just a bit warm. If I had to guess, it was around 40°C (with 24°C ambient).

The board that I used was the first revision and had bad thermal properties. The newer boards should do better.

I hadn’t seen it mentioned but would it be possible to use 1 or 2S input to output 12v in lights with extension tubes?

Yes it will be possible

Will this driver be able to be programmed to supply 12v 700ma and lower currents?

There are multiple ways of doing this (3 I can think of right now), so yes.

When the 17mm boost driver is ready, where can it be purchased with firmware already installed? (ready to use)

Noob type question I’m sure… I’ve not previously dealt with newly released BLF designed drivers.