Tell Us When Your GT Arrives (or is on the way)! [Formerly: BLF GT DHL Delivery Logistics Discussion]

I feel a little guilty… :smiley:
I was #925 on the list and seemed to be one of the first deliveries…

You were listed as having registered mail. Was it switched to dhl?

Yeah, I sent an email to Neal requesting the change to DHL. I wasn’t expecting it until midish Jan., even with DHL. I wasn’t even sure he got my email or could switch it, and low and behold, a text from DHL and then delivery!

Okay, I remembered someone who ordered registered mail getting their light already (that must have been you) so I thought Neal sent both dhl and registered to the USA. Now I see it was just DHL.

I am 1002 on the list paid for flashlight and batteries don’t see my name on the paid list

What day did you pay?

The paid list only goes up the Dec 10th or 12th. I’m not sure. So anyone who paid after that is not on this list. You will be on Neal’s current list, which we don’t have.

As long as you got confirmation that your payment went through, you will get your light.

Dec 9 yes I did get confirmation thank you for your help

I would expect your name to show up as I think I’ve seen people that paid on the 10th have their name show up.

Then again, there are a lot of blank spaces where names should be. You might be one of those.

I'm still waiting for mine to arrive. I chose DHL with 8 batteries included. I don't know what went wrong.

It simply hasn’t shipped yet.

nothing yet. I am worried about mine because when i sent my payment + donation, i didn’t even receive a notification or tracking… (I don’t even know where it was shipped from, or even it if was shipped. All i have is the Paypal transaction, which has the 180-day claim protection if it don’t show up. It shows where the payment was sent & date, (a month ago) but that’s all.

This is all correct and normal. You won’t get a shipping notification or tracking number until it actually ships.

I got tracking when it landed in the states

A tracking number is automatically available when a shipping label is created (that’s when the package gets in the hands of DHL), not when it actually ships or moves.

Mine became available after DHL Hongkong received it.

Of course it adds up if you have been keeping up with any Updates.

  • You are #433 on the paid list. (first 555 list)
  • You are in Canada.
  • None have shipped to Canada yet

What is not to understand?

I’ve seen mass confusion on shipping for group buys of ~30 people for much simpler projects than this. I am amazed by you guys; A

Keep in mind that we tried to do the payments about 2 weeks before they actually shipped to give Neal time to match up the orders to the down payments and get all the paperwork done. Then the first production samples, sent to testers mid Dec, uncovered can error in the driver flash settings and the wrong switch covers used. So the 200 or 300 hundred lights that were ready to ship had to be taken apart by hand to swap the switch covers and reflash the drivers.

So then Christmas hit and the first shipment of 164 lights went out on the 27th. A second shipment of 194 lights went out on Jan 3rd. These first two shipments were pallets to the usa. This was for cost reasons.

Anyway, another shipment is going out later this week.

Also keep in mind that these giant reflectors are slowing down the production speed to about 200 lights per week.

As with any group buy, there are no hard set dates for shipping or delivery. These GT’S are coming right off the factory floor to customers. It’s just gonna take time before everyone gets theirs.

Just a Reminder of This Great GT Resource Thread

BLF GT official support thread - Going live! [30 Dec 2017]


Lot’s of good GT info all located in one easy to find thread!!

  • User Manual
  • UI ‘Cheat Sheet’
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • NarsilM ‘How To’ Videos
  • Review Videos
  • GT Specs
  • Up To Date, Latest Relevant Info
  • And More……….

Great GT Resource from ’Team-Giggles’………

DHL says I should get mine today. :smiley:

Received mine today with batteries. Thought they might have forgotten to include, but they are stored in the battery carriers. Very quick shipping. I think I received my notice from DHL only 2 days ago. Probably helps that one of the customs hubs is in Ohio.

One thing to note to those with batteries. You’ll need to pull off the insulator stickers on the neg end. The stickers can leave a residue, so make sure to wipe it all off. I had a couple issues with the charger not detecting them until I realized what the problem was. All my batteries measured exactly 3.47V as well.