[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

Thanks for the beam shots…
However, i notice the street light tint changes from one pict to the other, meaning your camera is adjusting the white balance differently for each shot. That renders the comparison difficult if not meaningless?

I kind of thought it may have been a proto type like the one Matt (VOB) received to make his first GT video! Thanks for clearing that up!

Would be great if the fit light would be accompanied by an unfit reflector :slight_smile: MODDINGLL!!!l1o1

I’ll make sure that when mine arrives I’ll go out and compare it to both the BLF Q8 and TM16 GT as per Julians video.
I’ll take the Niwalker Vostro BKFA09S with me too. It’ll be interesting seeing it compare against a tried and tested 1km and a 1.5km light. I know many people treat the TN42 as the standard thrower but I never felt the need for that when the Niwalker had nearly all the TN42 had for a fair few £ less.

After the criticism about the white balance I’ll make sure I lock white balance and exposure on my videos / photos. Even the big DSLR’s can be a pain.

With all of these 1.5mile/2mile beam shots I’ve realised I’ve got a better place I test mine when it arrives.

Don’t be certain. :wink: Guess what, I don’t really agree on that wording. I would not go that far but simply say that 4000 K (like the 5A temp bin) is somewhat on the warmer side of LED flashlights, and not the most typical. It’s still within the normal scale and not extreme or a specialty. It does not look strange or out of place to me when used together with more typical neutral lights.

However, I would agree on that, say, 3000 K or even 3400 K is extremely warm for an LED flashlight. In fact, one could just say that it is extreme without further defining why. I only have one such weirdo, a C8 with the 7A bin XP-L. It really stands out and appears orange side to side with any "normal" LED flashlight. At that point I get slight incandescent vintage vibes looking at the beam.

Thanks Max for the info. Lumintop is the right choice. Quality above speed.

No worries. Thanks for the update.

I think all this debate, while completely normal and expected on blf, is probably making some people more nervous than they should be. 4000k is not orange. Nowhere near it. I know cct preferences are just that - personal opinions, but one thing is for sure — 4000k is not orange. That pic of the door with the orange ball in the middle doesn’t even come close to accurately representing what my GT looks like in person. I know all these photographers and videographers really do have the best of intentions, but between different eyes and different cameras and different monitors, they literally CANNOT accurately represent what the light will look like to you. It may be warmer than most lights, especially production lights, but 4000k is still a great tint, very pleasant to look at in my opinion, and super functional in a light like this. Nothing wrong at all with changing it if you want, but for those who don’t have their lights yet, I’d just beg you to wait and get yours before forming some pre-opinion on the situation.

…and since I’m here, the GT is the first light I’ve ever had which had a beam that focused so far past the huge reflector that it can shine “through” my hand, like I’m holding the sun. My kids love this trick. :slight_smile:

PS: Notice I’m not holding an orange sun? That’s cause the GT isn’t orange! :smiley: Personally, not that anyone should care, but I think its perfect and have zero desire to change mine. Thanks again to everyone involved!

fingers crossed its soon, can’t wait to get my hands on this beast :+1:

I’m curious how many people bought the GT just for the pure lightsaber effect, and not for the actual ability to see far in the distance which it is intended for.

:+1: 4000k is very comfortable and relax indeed. My house are all 4000k and 2700k lights, i switch on 2700k more often while my wife switch on 4000k more often.

One question is don’t you afraid those GT photons slice “through” your hand and cause invisible internal bleeding?

<Raises hand>


100% correct, the pictures that make the GT look orange are completely at odds with the real world. In the real world it looks pleasing and like I have said over and over, like a small sun.

Wait till you see it in person, then judge it.

are all the first #555 light shipped out ?, just to make sure that i didnt miss anything

362 lights have shipped. there was meant to be another shipment of 200 sent out late last week but noone has received any tracking info. maybe today ??

the first post in this thread has all the info known so far.

Just make sure you go out to a deserted field far far away from the city to have your lightsaber battles. But becareful when using it in the city after sunset, it uhh draws a mixture of reactions and not all of them are always positive.

I believe those who take the photo think that is what they have seen, an orange hotspot of GT on white wall together with cool white hotspot.
I believe that’s what they have seen. Else they won’t share something not true to their own eyes.
But it is most likely their brain auto white balance working there.
So i think it is outcome of camera and brain auto white balance. With only one GT hotspot, it is definitely not as orange, maybe slight yellowish.

Ok, an update on the link sharing.

The guy that shared it has apologized and removed all the links.

It also appears that only a few orders were made with his shared links. We are sorting though them now. There were some legit orders made yesterday as well naturally that we are sorting though.

We will cancel all the invalid orders and since he is not sharing the link anymore we should be able to restore the old passwords and keep those active for now.

The plan is to send out the 3rd and final round of PM’s in a few weeks once they have caught up on the current orders.

Probably not, as the 555 group includes a lot of non-US orders and non-DHL orders, and those groups were the first to be shipped.

Guilty LOL