The NEW Sofirn C8F Triple XP-L W2 w/side e-switch


You're correct. Thanks for catching that.

left New one, right 219C
The difference is not big, if there is one.

And yes, the light is in turbo-mode
BOth with 30Q@ 4.0xV

I tried the code and it did not work. Is there a way to get a new one?

Does anybody have a discount code that works for Amazon?

I received the C8F yesterday. Almost forgot i ordered it! lol :laughing:

Nice C8 triple indeed!
My rough ceiling bounce - lux meter test came out around 2.6-2.8k lumen on a freshly charged 30Q. If others did measurements i’d like to know if this is about right.

Now that someone mentioned it, my bezel is of a slightly darker shade then the head and body. Barely noticeable though. I also have a few stains on the head anodizing. Not sure they’ll go away.

Great output and beam for the size and price. It reminds me of my first SKR triple XML clone, but on a single 18650. It drains rather fast if going into high modes. I don’t like much the UI. Mode spacing could have been much better with a lower low and better spacing between the four brightness levels. Cycling through all the modes to go back to low is a pain. Maybe i’m missing some known shortcuts? This light calls for Narsil!

Well… from what i see on my laptop monitor, the 219 is not brighter. Maybe it’s a matter of camera post processing or white balance, but the left hot spot seems more washed out (brighter) then on the right. Overall the new one on the left looks brighter to me.

I like this light a lot also, kind of like a mini-BLF-Q8. Your ceiling bounce estimates are similar to mine, and I agree that the mode spacing could be better, but it is what it is.

I’ve found the quickest way to get back to low is to just turn it off and then back on again (with a quick-press to avoid the memorized level).

The new code is Q9ZWHJVR. And we also provide some codes in this thread.

DB Custom, would one of these work for the C8F?

I use the 404 most of the time now, so I’d say yes. :wink:

Thank you DB Custom :+1:

The quest is relentless, is it not? :wink:

It’s interesting how certain FETs can limit output. I wonder if TA drivers can be swapped with a “lesser” FET in order to reduce max power on a small light which can’t handle big power in the first place?

Why put a FET driver in such light in the first place?

The awesome UI of course.

The supfire in my sig has a TA driver with 2 x 26350 cells. It does over 7A, but I’d like to limit it to 5A or so. The extra amperage doesn’t do much except add heat and reduce run time. This is an everyday work light for me.

It would also be helpful for fet drivers using the xhp50.2 as they tend to burn up due to too much current.

I've said this before somewhere… how about setting an inductor in series with the emitters? This can reduce emitter current to some extent, while at the same time filters and increases efficiency for PWM modes.


Just ran across this. Very nice review Dale!! Just ordered one…. your review sold me…. :wink:
Picked up one of their pen lights too.

Teacher, this Sofirn C8 is what Convoy shouldv’e done years ago, after all the triples I’ve built using the Ledil CUTE-3 optics this reflectored version really rocks! The side switch really steps it up as well, you DO know they’re offering hosts for like $14, right?

I was impressed with your review of it Dale… that is what sold me on it. You seemed very impressed with it.

Nope… I had no idea about the hosts. :person_facepalming: I did not see any on Amazon. Did I just miss them or are they offered elsewhere??

The hosts are only on Sofirns store on Aliexpress.

The host is here.