Astrolux MF03 - new pictures + video

Even with separate reflectors of the XHP70s you can CNC the edges off so that their radius is with little gap or overlapping

Assuming it will be using 8 18650s and with the best cell being able to output 30A, maximum current will be 120A with 2s configuration. This means 15A max per emitter= more or less 65.000lm at the absolut limit.

All 8 cells would be depleted in just 5-6mins!
Better 12x 21700 cells for double runtime :money_mouth_face:

Exactly. You still have a little gap, pfff… like a millimeter or so. If you want to get rid of that then you could look into a single piece 9 emitter design. But that’s most likely not worth it (besides looking darn good).

Wow, this is great news. I did not know you were working on a boost driver.

Plus you can have 2 MCUs? Awesome news!

You never stop amazing me Lexel. Lol

Assuming it doesn’t melt internally first. Lol

need more tease?

1st prototye

can you share more info on this Lexel?

I was wondering why there was such a gigantic hole in the center of the head “shelf” of the black MF03. Now We know why…reflector !

WOW :open_mouth: King Arthur surrounded by his knights! A flooder with throw! How SWEET is that :smiley: Thank you M4D M4X for the Picture! AWESOME :+1:


He’s working on making his own boost driver. Here is what he told me.

I’m hoping it will be able to run NarsilM, but I haven’t heard back from him on that.

Here are more Information / Pictures: Driver & Led PCB Community Edition | Taschenlampen Forum

Any hind regarding the expected price for this monster light?

@M4D M4X: in the OP you state 7 x XHP70… but i count 8 in the pictures you posted.
Even at a conservative 3k lumen per emitter that’s no less then 24k lumen! This light will certainly peel paint and repel bears from a mile away!

Good point, I want to know too :laughing:

Hey, your right. At first it was 7, but now we see 8. I’m not complaining! Lol

8 seems to fit just fine. 7 might have too much wasted space.

i asked for 8 at the beginning - they said 7 .

but i got surprised with 8 of the big ones :D

i am not complaining either ;)

i like the Excalibur reference :)

This looks simply amazing. I can’t wait to see more.

The XD80 houses 8 70.2’s with a smaller diameter orange peel reflector pushing each emitter at 4000. The MF03 has a smooth reflector from what it looks like with a 35 HI centered. The MF03 should put out blistering numbers with slightly deeper and larger reflector with great range! This is very exciting and I cant wait for specs and beam shoots! Very interested in the UI. Lets guess at the output for giggles. I will say at its max somewhere in the neighborhood of 36000 :stuck_out_tongue: What say you :smiley:

How can you say that the reflectors of the DX80 are smaller than the reflectors on the MF03. If I compare my DX80 with the pictures of the MF03, the DX80 has bigger reflectors. The only advantage of the MF03, besides the XHP35 and probably higher output, is that the reflectors are not overlapping and did not have OP. And perhaps the MF03 has deeper reflectors because of the lower depth at the overlapping-areas. But with the diameter, the DX80 will win.

I want to know the battery configuration and the output-numbers of the MF03. Perhaps the XHP70.2’s are driven harder

That’s why I said from what it looks like, not is. I viewed pictures of people holding the DX80 and the Video of the MF03 and just made a guess. It looks larger to me. Just an observation and nothing else.