Does anyone make 26650 battery tubes for various C8 lights?


IIRC the first Convoy C8’s were 26650 tubes. I think I had one of those before.

I’m still confused.

But hey, at least we agree. :smiley:

I think your best bet would be to find a C8-style 26650 host, and use battery adapter sleeve if you wanted to run an 18650. Unlikely to find tubes of both sizes for the same light.

Just mentioned in another thread that the F13 is nice and throwy. Mod it. Off-the-rack it kinda stinks, but is a beautiful host. Takes a 26650, but comes with a sleeve for an 18650, and the ones I got even had carriers for 3×AAA!

See Ultrafire F13 mod . Use a HI if you want more throw.

Is there something I’m missing, or are you are both wrong?

Why can’t you make a 26650 tube for (many) 18650 lights without redesigning the head? The light will almost certainly be uglier, and longer, and need some sort of spacer to bridge the connection between the positive contact on the driver. Hmm, or maybe you could do something more interesting with the added length. Side switch?

It causes too much problems.
You need thicker tube
You have to add extra length
You have to bore tube only from one side
You need very long driver spring
And all this without any preferences.
If 18650 ligths have 17-20mm driver, 26650 can use 25-28mm and this gives more opportunities.

What he said…

Actually, make a simpler analogy.

You got a ¼” stick that fits into a ¼” hole.

Now, you ask, “Why can’t they make a thingy that’ll take a ½” stick instead?

At the very least, you ain’t gonna fit it in there without boring out the ¼” hole to a ½” hole.

Or, have some kind of adapter that will accept the ½” stick and go into the smaller ¼” hole.

Makes more sense now?

I have a similar scenario here with this mod. Bigger battery tube on a HD2010 designed for a 26650. It may help.

Do you mean a Tardis adapter?

More common, like a drive adapter, say, to use ¼” sockets with a ½” ratchet.

Nope, sorry guys, can’t do it without redesigning the head.

Of course it can be done without redesigning the head, it’s just not worth the effort for the tiny market that might be interested. All you need is for the larger tube to have a smaller thread adaptor and an inner projection to extend the battery contact. The old head won’t know the difference.

Just get one of those 10,000mAh 40A Ultrafire 18650’s and be done with it

get this?

With extension tube as option.

Does that say “Send nits”?


I’m so glad it’s not my imagination.

I was, like, naaah, it can’t be…

C8 with 26650 tube.