CPF 404 Not Found

Yikes!!! That’s a lot of emails!

Still, I hope their new server (when they get it up and running) works better than their old one. CPF always seemed to have a lot of downtime. I like the site and miss it, but hopefully it will have less downtime.

cpf was very slow for me in the past, threads not loading, posting almost impossible. I am looking forward to the new server as well.

They are moving to new servers, it will take time and will encounter issues, as will all forum migrations.
Be patient.

I can't remember a year without some problems at CPF....

They should find someone that can really take care of it.... for good.

The incredible Dr. Pol can.

You're too funny ;)

me too.

Good, stay dead

Their approach to migration shows why their site always has issues and they have lost so many posts over the years. Most site would have at least a host servicing the domain giving a clear message about what is happening… CPF no… for a while certain URLs would give a little useless message directing you to facebook. The main page however would not. Stranger still is most of the phony site up/down checkers were reporting them as up and running long after they were down.

Most sites would be able to migrate without impacting service, and those that could not for extenuating circumstances would at least operate in read-only mode.

Most sites would have had a huge banner for weeks prior to the shutdown.

What does mail have to do with migrating their Forum software , nothing…. but for CPF it’s all connected.

Why has their servers been running like turtles for over 2-3 years (maybe longer) and they are just migrating now. Did someone get tired of rebooting it ever 4hrs?

It’s a shame such a resource is not properly managed. One day it is likely all the information on there will likely be lost. It’s possible this migration like many changes in the past will lose a lot of stuff.

It’s sad to think about what could be and what is…. but…. ok in the big picture it makes no difference the universe has bigger issues many of which are right in our own galaxy.

Seek the light!

I’m excited for the new server. The load times were unbearable. Good Move G

It’s the ghost (in the machine) of Denis Lan, whose headstone Phaserburn found while exploring the land around his old pumphouse.
Best CPF thread ever.


"G" is coming from Greta ? If so : " Lasciate ogni speranza , vuoi ch'entrati ..."

Well it’s Easter… :nerd_face:

I don’t come over here to post often. The last time I was here was to read up on the Emisar’s in a couple of really good threads. Say what you want, but I’ve not seen the nastiness in these two threads directed towards other enthusiasts in my almost 10 years on CPF. Don’t worry, I’ll stay “over there”…

For those born north of the Mason-Dixon line, this means: Abandon hope all ye who enter here (Dante’s Inferno).

It did stand for Gretta. Not that I agree with how she runs CPF but it will be nice to be able to log back in. Hopefully information such as the Fenix E01 torture test won’t get lost due to server complications anymore.

Somehow , the CPF remind me of my country ( Romania ) , during the "Ceausescu Epoque".., a country full of good people ruled by an semianalphabet shoe maker !!!

We can't deny that a LOT of good people started on CPF , and their contribution to the flash light world was and is , remarkable ...I can understand even their standing up , defending the forum ...

What I can't understand is that , in a free country , could be acceptable to be ruled in the way CPF is...

I left my country because of the freedom .., I joined the CPF , and at the first sign of totalitarianism I decided to move away , I knew a little too well where this is leading...

So , dear CPF's fellows , there is nothing wrong with your hobby , I just feel that you are in the wrong "country"...

This is the difference , here you can ( and you've done it) find a shoulder to lean on , find compassion and maybe friends.., no questions asked , no hard feelings...

Would you have the courage to do this on CPF ? Maybe , but only once !!!

Thanks to SB we are here a FREE community , with divergent opinions , with wise and crazy people , accepted as we are , not as somebody wants us to be...

Have you ever seen on CPF ,at least one post about BLF being down ( even when it was in maintenance) ? NOOOOO ! Have you asked yourself why ? If not , this is the perfect time...Peace ,brothers in arm'...

Haven’t logged into BLF in a while but I knew there would be comments over here since CPF is down…LOL.

I’ve been losing a lot of interest in CPF over time for various reasons. It seems like there isn’t anywhere near as much posting going on, as there was years ago. So I may not be the only one losing interest. The slow opening of threads for the past……….what over a year?……….if it wasn’t for the fact that I would look at CPF on off hours, I simply just gave up on CPF during higher traffic times. So the migration to a new server is probably needed.

I wonder what the advertisers are thinking right now with a site down for this long and with traffic dropping?

An update was posted on Facebook about 30mins ago, basically some more nonsense about email and that there is still a long wait as they try a plan-b, and noted that they have switched to https protocol. If you use https to reach the top domain you will see something like:

CandlePowerForums is currently in the process of moving to a new server. Please feel free to hang out in the CPF FaceBook Group until we are back up and running again. Updates and current status will be posted when available. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. ~Greta