An Article About Flashaholics in the Huffington Post

This article is so funny! I love the way he wrote it.

I laughed. He likes BLF. Can't be all bad. When I saw the OP, I thought, "uh-oh".

Anything that makes us laugh, ist gut, Ja?

At least he is learning, to keep twig-n-berries from attaining low earth orbit! Laughing

None by ultrafire?

It has an Anthony Bourdain, tell it the way it is, in your face, don't care if I offend you, you can kiss my arse kind of flavour to it. Instead of Kitchen Confidential, call it Lumen Confidential if I may. I like it.

Maybe some of you are taking some of it a little too literally or not reading the whole editorial. He starts off with the shock factor with exploding pipe bombs, insults, while all along he's talking about himself.

He's one of us now.

"And flashlights aren't really the world's most dangerous hobby"

"the word "dangerous" is appropriate"

both true, he is at no point serious about it being the most dangerous, and I can't see why you can't see that.

Gorann, that’s called a “hook”. Loosen your BVDs a few notches!Laughing

OMG PENISFIRE! Quick stomp it out!

His collection is really BLF worthy, but he is missing a thrower. I like eh4s posting over at CPF. I wonder how such an article is taken in by non-flashaholics .... well I kind of know by reading tgx78's reaction, but all in all a very entertaining read. Flashaholics will have a good laugh and all beginners are like.... "everybody hit the deck"

Awesome read. So well written, funny, yet in reality not a million miles off the mark.

I remember going through all of that too. There was so much stuff to learn about and then you had to ask whether you really wanted to get into the potentially explosive batteries combined with non UL non CE chargers to go with them. Then you think, "I need something brighter" so you go ahead and order all of it.

haha funny indeed, you have a nice talent visigoth, ty for post/write :)

That was a good read, visigoth. Funny and entertaining with a fair dose of tongue and cheek.

BIGWOOD is right: You are "one of us now"

I wouldn't worry about losing any friends...

LOL! I just had a 6th Sense /Shawshank Redemption moment!

Never even bothered to look up the details for the OP...

Excellent read, and written with a healthy dose of humor - just what I needed !!!

Maybe I should switch my avatar from the green lantern to the riddler then. ;-)

Nein, mein Deutschelanders!

Li-ion ist nicht fur der fingerpoken UND mittengraben! Earschplittenloudenboomer! Spitzensparken! Blowenfusen! Ja!

Oh no! Ze Germans are coming!Frown


LOL! What a great, written article. :slight_smile:

Thank you! Well, most of you.

Yes, I've been hiding in plain view.

Clearly there are some here who don't consider this probing, serious-minded investigative journalism. But those people are probably interested in dull stuff like revolution and famine. They can't be helped.

Nice article visigoth! quite entertaining.

This will certainly boost HP's readership. Their stock will definitely rise for a day or two after this article makes it way through the net. Normally that rag of the left wing propaganda machine would never be seen on my screen. Even a dead clock is right twice a day. Thumbs up to HP on this one in a million accurate articles.