Proposal for a BLF defense flashlight

On a smaller scale something like this might be an idea:


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Using 4x18650’s you could run a 12v XHP35, XHP50/70 or 4x3v LED’s (Quad on a copper pill/optic) wired in series.

Not sure about Europe but wouldn’t dare use it in the uk.

Like the bat dbcustom shared. Will look into a purchase. Agree about the snowflakes man. The mindless, blabber spewing, slack jawed, knuckle draggers have infiltrated everywhere. I'll bet 10 bucks I get some of those stupid rude marks for hurting their little feelings. Assholes! Haha! Semper Fi and thank you for your service brother. Dad retired a SgtMaj after 33 years in the Corps. I spent 10 years on ballistic missile submarines as a Radioman. Take it easy man.

Just make sure to wear a black baseball cap and dark clothes with “SECURITY” written on your back. No one’s gonna feel suspicious about it then. :wink:

There’s also the “Mini Bat”

Pocket size!

(Appears to be a Zoomie)

Man, reading about you guys in the UK…. I can’t believe your ability to defend your own life, and the life of your loved ones, is so strictly regulated! I read an article last month about a man in London that confronted 2 intruders in his home, had a struggle with one, and stabbed the bad guy with the BAD GUY’S OWN screw driver. The OWNER OF THE HOUSE WAS ARRESTED FOR MURDER :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:

You guys need to quit voting in politicians that make their citizens unarmed, helpless victims! [End rant]

When my wife and I were just dating, and she was living alone, I bought her this…

It has 2 areas that arch and it’s really loud. The light output isn’t anything great, but it works for walking around the neighborhood with the dog. It has a separate button on the bottom for the taser function, so no one would know it’s anything but a flashlight until you had to use it. I took it apart a long time ago trying to upgrade the LED, but I couldn’t figure it out (I also didn’t want to ruin a +$100 light).

My wife now carries this in her purse :smiley: :+1:

These SHENYU bats the OP linked look better than a lot of the others I’ve seen, I can see why they’re selling well. I’ve seen these re-branded and priced around $50-$60. It looks like they do have a very thick tube, but I wonder if they maintain that thickness in the front half section? And the 36cm also is available with 1*18650, interesting looking “dummy cell”spacer, I’m curious what its function is since the AA version runs on 3* AA.

Anyone have one of these SHENYU models?

Very thick walled (5mm):…………………………………………………………And nice knurling for grip:

It’s not just the UK or Europe. It’s also like that in Canada too.

It never used to be like that, and constitutionally it shouldn’t be. But over many decades, rights are slowly taken away, usually to great applause by the people. Once those rights are gone, they’re gone forever. No government or police force is going to give back rights of self-defense.

Just take a look at many of the recent “hate speech” laws introduced in Canada and other western countries. The government/justice system takes an extremely broad view of what is “hate”, and it has essentially removed any right to free speech. This has happened in just a few years. And, most importantly, it has happened with great cheering from the population.

We seem to love removing rights, because we always think it’s someone else’s rights that we’re removing. And I’ve never seen a government that didn’t go along with removing rights that the population is asking for.

Not sure where in Europe OP lives but in my country using this would not go well. I envy US guys that can defend their family and property just by shooting scumbags there on spot if they brake in and are a threat, if I even hurt the bastard he can sue me for everything + I am facing a jail time for threatening someone’s life, stupid law makers = stupid laws.
Only thing I can use is stun “gun” wich are mostly toys and pepper spray.

I was walking around at night with a C8 and I was stopped and the police were friendly and asked me about it. I wasn’t in trouble but they did think that it was eye catching and strange.

I also like the tone of the thread. Its a shame that citizens are not allowed to carry weapons around as if you are an enemy of the state by having something as simple as a tool (knife in UK for instance, they are trying to ban those too).

I do have to note that the US has a problem with school shootings getting a lot of attention. As weapons were banned before, it seemed to have cut down on these kinds of shootings, but our concern should be the ones that affect more people rather than such a small problem. One example is that I have no problem with transgender people, but I think their coverage is disproportionate to other issues, and because its so polarizing (like the hate speech law that was put in by law makers to look good) it turns them into an easy target for conservatives to attack.

OP, I think this is not a good idea. We don’t want BLF to be associated with a ‘weapon light’. Its known for making specialized high power and specific use lights (which may be weapon light I suppose) but it puts performance or light usage over a secondary purpose.

I disagree, BLF can be associated with ALL flashlights, no matter what style.

A lot of posts about carrying these around or in your car etc. What about home use? These are also (and possibly mainly) good for a home defense tool.

mmalive’s Bat Flashlight thread: Bat Flashlights

Well, yeah, that’s exactly it. You are an enemy of the State, because the State arrogates to itself exclusive use of force. Peasants are not allowed to defend themselves.

I’d disagree with you here. We don’t have a problem with school shootings. Only a handful in, well, pretty much all of US history, isn’t technically a problem.

It’s like having the “problem” of drunk driving, then setting out to ban all cars. Sure, quite a few innocent people are killed by drunks behind the wheel, but not so many as to justify the 99.999% of legitimate beneficial use of cars. It’s the nut behind the wheel that’s the problem.

And when I see these nitwit kids “protesting”, it makes me physically ill. I ask myself (usually don’t dare ask others, as that’s making BBQ of their personal Sacred Cows), “Well, would it have been better if the idiot came to school with a backpack filled with homemade pipebombs?”. Or severed the gas lines in the school basement, and then lit it up to take out the whole school at once?

We see these (adult) idiots taking dumptrucks and UHauls and running down people… so now what? ban trucks altogether?

Point being, they’re only “problems” because the media distorts reality to make it so. Blacken out the identities of the shooters so that no one will ever ever know them, ie, they don’t get to “live on in infamy”, and those sickos won’t go looking for attention.

Everyone knows Kliebold, Lonza, all those other losers. Maybe if they didn’t, the next lackbrain won’t be tempted to “go out in a blaze of glory”.

And speaking of “protesters”… what a bunch of sissy-pansy crybabies. They want to skip school, yet don’t want to be marked absent, let alone punished or suspended for leaving school property! What difference does it make if they skip school to “protest”, or to hang at the mall and smoke? Or do your silly little “protesting” after school or on the weekend, ferchrissakes.

Real protesters (Gandhi, Parks, Kent State students, etc.) risked jail time, beatings, even death to protest, and these pansies don’t want that little smirch in their “permanent records”. Bee oh oh, aitch oh oh.

That’s how far this country’s sunk. These little nitwits think they’re “effecting change” and “changing the world” and all that rot, but they’re just little sissy-pansy idiots wanting to skip school and pat themselves on the back for, well, nothing of any import.


I just saw an episode of Forensic Files where the murder weapon was a flashlight, looked like a 5D Mag.

Thread’s gettin too political for me

I’m done with that particular subject, but no matter what you want to discuss, it’s all political to a greater or lesser degree.

So many knife-related threads here, and this same discussion can be carried over to them, practically word for word.

Lasers? OMG, you might shine them at a plane… ban them!!

“Too bright” flashlights? Well, you might attract unwanted/unintended attention camping or on the water and have it be interpreted as an SOS. Regulate them!

Or people right here being stopped by the militsiya for walking with “unusual” flashlights. A C8, yet! Imagine a Q8! :open_mouth:

That’s how nuts the world is nowadays.

it’s not 5mm. I have the 49cm version and a 44cm copy and they are only thick near the battery.
They weigh less than 400g.

The original Shenyu is threaded in the middle so on impact it could break because that’s the weakest point.
The copy is better because is threaded near the end.
The LED and lens don’t have any impact protection so they will probably break too…

Ain’t that the truth!

Well, I guess I just got a bit miffed of another thread starting to turn political, :weary: went from bat flashlights to guns/school shootings/protests. It’s not that I wouldn’t want to discuss it elsewhere, it’s just not what I came here for, kinda takes the fun out of it.

It really wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be, I know I could have just said nothing and ignored it or unsub this thread, guess I’m just feeling grumpy tonight and thought I’d voice my opinion too :zipper_mouth_face: please ignore…sorry for being a sissy-pansy crybabie. :stuck_out_tongue: