[PART 2] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Closed, but Public sales open!

Seeing all these unboxing and disassembly photos is making me anxious to get my order, was hoping it’d arrive in 2 weeks~ as indicated but still patiently twiddling my thumbs almost two months now…

You guys still got a smile on your face when lighting up that monster? :smiley:

Don’t sweat 2 months, some of us have 6 months of waiting invested. Some day, maybe…

Where are you from? Paid for mine 1.5 months ago and Im still hustling with customs to get it released.

Eastern USA.

Haven’t gotten tracking or any confirmation of payment so I wasn’t sure if it was forgotten or something.

FYI Blitzlinger,

I'm from NJ and didn't have any problems getting the shipment. It took 3 days to arrive once DHL had it. I received no notice from Customs and it was right on time. - Hope this helps!

It's a shame what Maverick1947 is going through. But that country is notoriously known for the incredible bureaucratic horse manure for getting packages through. Even when you cross all your (T)s and dot all your (I)s, shipments can mysteriously vanish. I have been there and gone through all that. Some people call the vanishing, thievery but I call it Selective Predatory Seizure Policy. Hoping for the best possible outcome for Maverick1947.

Fingers Crossed

Like hazG said about his…. all of mine were here in three days once DHL had them. A couple made it in less than 48 hours. :slight_smile:

Have you checked your PayPal account to make sure your payment went through? You should have received a payment confirmation email from PayPal at least.

If your payment did indeed go through…. you can send Neal a PM here on BLF to resolve any problems.

IF it did not go through for some reason, PM him anyway and tell him what happened. Ask him how to proceed.

Just PM Neal.

Thanks everyone! I’ve PM’d Neal about this just to be safe.

:+1: … /\

I am wondering how people are using the BLF GT. I have been testing it in some dark areas. The other day a friend and I went out at night to a dark area. A policeman stopped to see what we were doing. He was in awe of the flashlight. I have been having a hard time finding a long distance to test the light without shining it in peoples homes or other areas that are not good to shine the light.

I used it the other day when the power went out. One can really see it well without streetlights. I tight narrow beam that shines a long distance. I did not need it ramped up more than 1/4 of full power.

It is quite a light and solidly made.


Hi Eric,

You'll find a diverse group of people here that own the GT. You can have those who possess elementary knowledge to the advance individual who has knowledge about electronics and optical design.

Those who really don't have the interest in getting into the modification aspects are driven by owning a flashlight that can deliver outstanding performance. They might even have a collection of different lights and are satisfied by just owning them versus putting them to any daily use.

Then you have the light enthusiast who likes to shine a beam of light just to see how far it will reach. This person will more than likely will Vlog their experience on YouTube in the attempt of educating their viewers and possibly add some cents to their bank account.

There might even be some people who get caught up in hype that is going on here in the forum and buy one to only later sell it as a result of suffering from consumer dissonance.

Last but not least you have the individual who has an entrepreneurial mindset and will be involved for producing a profit with the added benefit of showcasing their profound knowledge in providing a finished product that is unique. This individual might even provide solutions to increase the output of the light for a moderate profit.

You can be one or a combination of the above examples that I listed but the common fiber that links us together is the willingness to be part of something and to share, if for only a moment, our individual light adventure.

Personally, I'm a pilot who has been in situations where runway lights have gone out on final approach and a good torch, like the GT, can make the difference between a great landing or one where no one walks away from. To me, I find the longevity equally as important as the throw. The GT is not an easy carry flashlight for it's size and the extreme weight. You would be hard pressed to carry this light in one hand for more than 10 minutes. There are other and better alternatives for longtime carry.

(Here's how it looks with the GT saving the day landing with no runway lights)

The problem in shinning a beam onto remote things is that it will draw attention and Law Enforcement will investigate. There are ordinances that prohibit shining lights into peoples homes etc. Even if you are at public park, they usually have curfews restricting access so, if you are caught, you are at risk of getting a citation or being harassed. Remember, it takes only one person to file a complaint that they were blinded by your light that could put you in some serious legal hot water and even cause the confiscation of the light.

The GT is a great light and one has to apply great responsibility in using it. If not, irresponsibility is what people will use to put unreasonable laws in place to prevent the use and possibly the sale of these great lights.

Happy Lighting!

Nice picture hazG!!! . :+1:

Hello HazG,

Thanks for the picture. I am an aviation buff of sorts as well. I fly rc planes and have a fair number of people who are pilots that I know. I am just curious where is the airport in the picture and what kind of plane was the one you were flying? Do you fly commercial flights or are you a private pilot? I like the mysterious lighting in the picture. I bet the long throw of the GT is great from a plane and can light up the runway from a good distance to prepare for glide slope and landing as you say if the lights don't work.

Happy flying HazG. (I also have an Olight SR52UT with the skylumens mod.) Not a bad thrower for its size.


Nice picture hazG. Is it an actual picture of the GT beam from your plane, or a computer construction of how it would look like?

Cool story bro…!!!

Here is a pic of the same field with no lights… :wink:

I knew it was a picture of a flight simulator. :wink: Those clouds in the sky look like procedurally generated. IMHO clouds still look very artificial in flight simulations whereas ground and water textures look extremely detailled meanwhile.

I wonder how one could manage to hold a BLF GT outside the window all the way through the landing procedure, though. :smiley: Or did you mod your airplane and have a “auxilliary BLF GT retractable landing light”. What type of plane is it? I assume it’s not a B747. :smiley:

Yourrid a few months mentioned having used a flashlight held outside the window of his cockpit while landing. So it did happen at least once! :smiley:

As I had said in picture caption, "(Here’s how it looks with the GT saving the day landing with no runway lights)"

This was a simulation of what occurred to me back in the late 1980s. My light at the time was a 6 D cell Maglight and I placed the light on the dash of the instrument gauge. One cannot hold a flashlight out of any aircraft or attach it to any part of the plane. LOL. The plane at that time was a Beechcraft B60 "Duke".

Ye of little faith

Here's the post that I made 2 months ago on April 19, 2018: Post 1309367

TA, have you heard anything from Neal lately about the replacement lights and replacement parts?

Has he mentioned if all the things on the Outstanding Issues survey have been taken care of?

This thread has been pretty quiet lately. I don’t know if people have gotten their stuff fixed and not said anything or if they are still patiently waiting.

Last I heard he had gotten all the missing items shipped out a few weeks ago except for a replacement reflector for one member. That was supposed to be taken care of last week IIRC.

Final batch folks all get their accessories?