Emisar D4S review


actually only available as a button top


Take care and have a nice weekend (and a nice wait for batteries and D4S … :wink: )

oops… should have hit F5 before posting :person_facepalming:

Great stuff. Fingers crossed if you do let me know or pm me

Hahaha thanks Micmania have. Great weekend

Richard at Mountain Electronics suggests two button-top batteries (one being the Shockli) for the D4S. The pre-order page says that the maximum battery length for the D4S is 69mm and the Shockli is 66.8mm according to his site. Another button-top cell he recommends is 67.8mm and in his words, “Only batteries on the recommended list are guaranteed to work.” If he is selling them in conjunction with the D4S, I’d bet they’d work.

Of course he’s out of stock at the moment. Seems that there was a lot of recent 26650 buying activity. I’m looking at you SC26!

Ordered one grey XP-L HI version with magnet in tailcap :smiley:

Arguably the best all-round light on the market is a 26650, the Rofis MR70. They’ve just brought out a 21700 version that doesn’t tickle my balls.

If argument dictates that the Rofis MR70 is the best all-round light on the market I need to quit. That light is very weak looking in my personal opinion, looks like a girl would use it for lighting up the night in a completely different way. With the XHP-70.2 there is no need for an orange peel reflector. Much better throw and intensity with a mirror finish.

I’m very happy to have a LOT of lights that perform better than that one!

My MF04 throws better, does it fit in my pocket, glow in the dark, light up the entire back yard, charge my phone, look sexy as hell and double up as a nice warm cosy reading light?

Sexy is in the eye of the beholder - the word that comes to mind for me is “fugly”. But that’s why with so many choices we can find our own best all-round light

I tend to avoid pipe bombs, you know, cheap built in charger’s in a flashlight.

A light can either light up the whole backyard or it can throw to the neighbors down the road, seldom does one do both. Flood or throw, it’s typically an either/or scenario. Fit in a pocket? Why? Lose something in there? Belt scabbards carry lights of all sizes, some more easily than others. I wouldn’t think having a light in a pocket would be such a great idea, keeps the battery right at 100º instead of a “cool dry place”. Also too easy to accidentally have one turn on in the pocket and uh, scramble eggs?

shirnask summed it up pretty well, luckily there are a lot of options so we can find our own parameter. Me? I really like the $11 Eagle Eye X6 host, built up in any one of the dozens of ways I’ve built them. :smiley:

Besides, for it to be sexy it has to have a lot of Titanium … :wink:

<—— 10,000+ lumen Titanium X6 with Trit Vials.

But not all humans wear belts :wink:
Also, if I would wear a belt - I don’t like stuff to be attached to that.
A light must fit in my pocket - but luckily I don’t wear tight jeans and can fit pretty much anything inside my pockets, even a SkyRay King. So a single 26650 light is no problem.

I remember seeing comparsion-shots of the beams D4 vs. D4S - where can I find them again?

The MR70 is far from my fave light though, if I could have just 4 it’d be Emisar D4, DX80, X80-GT and MF04. If I had to have 1 light then the MR70 would serve me well in all scenarios other than 250m+ search and rescue.

The included 5500mah battery gives nice runtimes too.
The MR70 also has a red location beacon light on the button that can be enabled/disabled with ease.
It even has double springs for less resistance!
The fact the front light is cool white and side light is warm white really tickles my balls.

I picked mine up for $60, at that price all it needs for me is a 1 lumen Moonlight mode, trit holes and it’d be perfection.

I have finished the D4S Aux board and tested Generation 3 lighted tail switch board which utilizes the new technology with battery indication
Current draw for the ICs and resistors on it is about 0.05mA

Still impossible to finish the design if noone can tell me the mounting screw distance from center, counting pixels on pictures I get 10-10.35mm

red color 3x for LVP warning
just used 4 different colors to show any color combination is possible

Here my tail board Gen 3, function identical to the D4S aux board
switched to 2. red channel on low battery
on LVP shuts down all LEDs with an idle current bwelow 0.05mA

Dale clearly hasn’t shopped for lady toys. :stuck_out_tongue:

The MR70 looks interesting, with its side flood light and power bank functions. It looks like its beam is only about as throwy as a D4 though, and it only comes in cool white. I’m curious how its interface works, so I might look that up to see how they handled two independent LEDs from one button.

At a glance, here’s what stands out about them as compared to each other.


  • Works as a USB power bank
  • Has a side flood light
  • 3-4 output levels (low/med/high and timed turbo)
  • Strobe and SOS modes
  • Lighted button indicates battery status


  • Smaller
  • Has lower low modes and higher high modes
  • Quite a bit more throw
  • Comes in a variety of host colors and emitter tints
  • Smooth or stepped configurable ramping from sub-lumen to full power
  • Adjustable momentary and beacon modes, plus voltage and temperature modes
  • Can be used for some tasks while locked
  • More mod-friendly for hardware or firmware changes
  • Front-facing aux LEDs
  • Optional tail magnet
  • Lower price
1 Thank

Looks worth having. Not sure about the MR70.

Personally, the mode I use the most on pretty much any light is about 5-10 lm out the front, ideally in neutral white with decent CRI. After that, my most-used mode is moon, at about 0.2 or 0.3 lm.

The Emisar lights give me exactly what I want there, with immediate access to both from off. However, the Rofis light doesn’t even have those levels. So it’s a clear choice for me.

But YMMV. Different strokes for different folks.

1 Thank


I’m between this or the Q8, decisions decisions.

You already know the best choice - BOTH!
