Lumintop GT Mini (Thower) Beam shots and more!

The Catapult V6 is a:
Bigger light
Bigger led
Bigger hot spot
Bigger power (assuming it lives up to specs)
Bigger price
Same throw distance

So it depends on which fits your needs.

How does the throw and such compare with a Thrunite TN4A? I know the TN4A is bigger/heavier, but I have it and wondering if the GT mini significantly out performs.

well looking the specs for the throw from thrunite it says Max beam distance: 326m. so the gt mini compared throws on paper twice as long it has a rated throw of 750m if that says anything ?

Thx for the feedback. I was able to look at the specs a bit and indeed the gt mini claims more throw and candela than my TN4A. Wish I could do a side by side comparison without purchasing . . . .

I know 2x lumens is not that noticeable, is 2x the throw at a couple hundred yards? I doubt I could see much at 750 yards

Which version, Xml2, xpl or xpl hi?

here is a pic i took a few days ago, the building i pointed at is almost 400m away, i can clearly see that it reached even tho it shows bad on my cellphone, but yea 750 u will barely see the beam reach i asume… but either way the gt mini is a killer thrower at this size for sure…

Thanks. And more to be corrected:

GTmini is not huge and it doesn’t take 20 mins to get hot. So this statement looks weird, probably caused by a simple replacement (GT to GTmini?)

Strobes are all enabled by default, at least on my GTmini.

Xpl hi

In that case the difference is not going to be huge. It’s hard to find specs for it but I did find some for a neutral white version with the xpl hi. Peak Beam Intensity: 52,340cd.
Max beam distance: 457m. It’s got a 46mm head compared to the GT Mini’s 50mm.

So the Mini still beats it. Plus the mini has a few more hundred lumens. I measured around 1200, but others have measured around 1400. My guess is that it’s not going to be as big a difference as with my C8, but still pretty noticeable.

Yeah, it also says it takes 16 seconds to enter the menu, but it only seems to take about 8 Seconds.

Another error is where it says it requires button top cells. Since the GT mini has a spring on the driver it will work fine with flat top as well.

I notice it says it’s using NarsilM v1.3 instead of v1.2. All previous reports showed it was using v1.2.

Thanks for the comparison, I appreciate it.

Thanks for the clarification about the cells, that was a reason imo for looking elsewhere. Not a huge deal, but I prefer flat top cells in general, and think double springs are a plus also.

The Mini does use V1.3 by virtue of it blinking out 1.3. Not sure where it came from, guessing TA. Dunno, maybe I provided it wayyy back?

Nice catch! :wink:

Texas Ace used a NarsilM 1.3 Beta
I think you did provide it.
Maybe to Dell?

Ok, probably posted the v1.3 BETA for him to use on Nov 16th, then on Jan 28th posted a v1.3 with the "new" S42 support, but nothing seemed to come out of that, least not so far.

Tom E
you have a PM

Ok, these issues I think are explained by them using a different firmware revision then I planned on. The final firmware I sent them should be as the manual states but I sent then an earlier version that is closer to what it sounds like ya’ll are seeing. They were supposed to of used the latest version but it looks like it didn’t make it into production.

IIRC these are about the limit of the changes + some minor changes to the ramp / mode spacing between the revisions.

Yes, it was from me, although it looks like they used the prototype firmware I made for testing it instead of the final firmware with the refined ramp / mode groups and other settings. Not a big deal but the things mentioned above are a little different.

Hi, I hv a mod Acebeam l16, love it. How does the lumintop gt mini’s beam patter n throw compare?