Sofirn Q8 group buy (gb closed, but try PM to Sofirn for discount)

Interested for 2, amazon US. Is sipping free? Thanks.

Interested in 1

Interested. AMAZON preferably. No preference actually.

Interested(Amazon US).

Interested in two.

Nice work, djozz.

Interested (AliExpress)

I’m in a family gathering tonight, I will update the list tomorrow.

@ohbreeeeeezy: the extension tube as I have seen the design involves replacing the original tube with a version with battery carriers. But if you can talk Sofirn into selling just the standard Sofirn Q8 tube, it will very likely fit the BLF Q8.

Interested (Amazon US)

I’m in for 2. Amazon USA

Interested :slight_smile:

Interested (Amazon US)

Interested. Amazon DE. Thank you.

interested. amazon US

Interested. Amazon DE. Thanks

Interested (AliExpress).
Thanks for organizing this.

Someone should really let JasonWW know about this, since he has been wanting a cool white version.

I guess I’m In for another…. I already purchased 8 blf q8’s haha

I’m in (AZUS).

Interest Amazon-US

Interested Amazon DE. Thank you!