Sofirn Q8 group buy (gb closed, but try PM to Sofirn for discount)

I see ,@Sofirn what do you thinks about this ?

It's finally moving after seven days from my order. Delay could be recent typhoon in HK and GZ area.

The Sofirn Q8 is & was to be a CW version of the TF Q8. Mission Accomplished.

Firmware is just fine.

A USB Charging port is not desired by the majority of people. It adds unnecessary cost, is something else to go wrong, & a place for water to leak inside.
In reality just ’Bells & Whistles’ that serve no real purpose & are not desirable to most.


Sooo… the Q8 is listed as “in stock” on Amazon Germany

Sold by “77 Outdoor” - is that Sofirn in Germany?

Yes that’s Sofirn at Amazon Germany

Partially agree. I would like to see something where the battery carrier has the charge port. So the carrier (with multiple batteries) could be popped out and plugged in. When done charging, pop the carrier back in and close the cap. No extra ports to potentially leak, no reason to pop the individual batteries in/out of a carrier/etc.

These majority of people didn’t have to search the mauled finger of 5 years old child after the explosion of a 18650 battery in the external ‘high-end’ “Chinese” charger.

No one said an external USB port. If I am not wrong, the tailcap of Q8 is useless. But after twisting it off there is a direct access to the battery ‘basket’. The whole side of ‘PCB’ is empty and could be used to mount some electronics like e.x. the charger. Close the back and who don’t want, charge the batteries externally. Li-ion chargers can be smaller than the nail now and cost $1.

A must would be insert a valves on the rear for exit gas in case of problem like E-cigarette,don’t know if there are lights on production with that

An explosion in an open charger is bad - An explosion in a sealed light is a pipe bomb

This type of emo-reasoning does not help the discussion wether or not to add a charge port.

You need at least a new electrical connection from the battery+ to the tail PCB for that, not impossible but it requires quite a bit more than just some extra components.

I can’t get over how many people want a charger built into a flashlight. They want it cheap, don’t want to pay for quality components, but don’t want to lose life or limb when it all goes awry either. Not sure how anyone thinks a quality balance charger can only cost a dollar.

I, for one, simply will not charge a cell in an enclosed aircraft aluminum pipe. A good number of the lights I get with this built in charging feature get the charger eliminated quite quickly. I also seal the USB port with Sugru.

Why would anyone let a 5 yr old handle a Li-ion cell and charger? The new generation is getting lazier all the time, it’s so disappointing.

Plus how would you control each batteries individual charge? Some people might run 4 batteries where you would want at least 1A each or 4A total charging power. Some people might only use 1 battery in the light. If you put all 4A to one battery it’s too much. So it is very difficult to control.

A built in charger would almost assuredly require a sealed battery back. People really don’t like battery packs.

This conversation has nothing to do with the current Q8. The future Q8 v1.5 thread is the place to talk about it. Q8 v1.5 here.

I forgot to ask, is the SP36 being discussed in the open or just through private messaging? It sounds very interesting.

Correct, this thread is about an existing light that does not have this horrid feature. :wink:

But for the record, where I come from the parents that were responsible for the safety of that 5 yr old should go to jail for allowing a charging Li-ion cell to be in the child’s possession. Criminal negligence or whatever you wish to call it, reckless behavior at the very least. We have spent years here stressing the importance of proper safety where these Li-ions are concerned. It Really is THAT important!

It happened about 2 years ago. I worked as a paramedic then. I don’t know the law in USA. Parents claimed it was an accident. In my country I can’t realise that a court could be so strict to leave the child without parents after this. Parents have the punishment to the end of their life… Probably they got a suspended sentence and the life went on.

@Quad-XXX, what are the details of the story? I would love to know about it.

I would like to know which charger was it, what battery was it, was it shorted accidentally inside of the charger, etc.

A lithium ion cell does not explode unless it’s in complete meltdown and it does NOT have vent holes. Some counterfeit cells do not include these safeties, so it could be the reason.

@Quad-XXX, when I stated above that this type of reasoning is not productive in the discussion, I was not aware that you were actually there with the incident. It makes more sense to me now that you used it in the discussion. :+1:

Let’s not encourage off-topic fear-mongering. At least not in this thread. It tends to have unfortunate effects on humans, and there are other threads where it may be more relevant.

Quad-XXX, the Q8 has no built-in charging because most people didn’t want it, and they have valid reasons for their preference. If someone wants a version with charging badly enough, they are free to start a new project and a new thread for it, but painting gory pictures here is not a productive way to make that happen.

Safety is important for high-power devices like li-ion cells. People should only use quality cells and quality chargers, with someone around, to reduce risk of fires or injuries. Cheap cells and cheap chargers are known to be dangerous, especially if left unattended.

@BlueSwordM Do you know the difference between a paramedic and a policeman? All I remember was an ice, searching the ice, shouting the ice, punching all neighbours’ door and calling more ice. One hour later I had to be in the another place.

@djozz No problem. Everything is fine.

@ToyKeeper True. True. So true…