Osram Oslon Boost HX

I couldn’t get the datasheet to open. Is the range you have there from different bins? Low forward voltage too, making it possibly a good match for direct-drive multi-emitter high output throwers.

Yes, it’s the entire range of all the brighness bins. The amazing thing is that you can still overdrive it…

Supposedly it's already in full production.

Seeing the datasheet, it indeed appears to be the best LED out there. :slight_smile:

I will gladly throw money at them in a group buy.

Or better yet, get a manufacturer (Sofirn? Lumintop?) to make the next multi-emitter light with this, and then have a group buy for that light. It would generate more sales for Osram that way, and probably get the LEDs into our grubby little hands a bit sooner if a manufacturer gets on board. :wink:

EDIT: Imagine a light similar to the Q8, made a bit larger for 4x 21700 cells, with also a bit larger, and deeper reflector, and four of these LEDs.

That, unfortunately, is 6100K. Definitely not what I’m looking for in a thrower, and I hope not the only option when these become available.

Isn’t this the 4040 footprint that Lumileds use for a couple of leds and that led4power has ready boards for?

Nah, I would want Vinh to put one in an Acebeam T21 or TN40, unless Sofirn or Lumintop can make similar performing hosts (plausible).

Having the freedom to have the bare emitters to mod yourself is nice.

Well, yeah, that too. How about one of these in the BLF GT?

GT host is too big for my liking, but the GT with this would be insane!

It will be several months before we see them even appear on distributor sites, then more months before they get them in stock, and who knows how long until they start selling them in multiples less than 1000.

May be waiting a year or more until that happens…

Nope, not as far as I can tell. I compared the solder pad diagrams in the datasheets. I am sure someone else will check and confirm this.

I think that you should know following data guys…

I have recently tried new L4P 16mm DTP’s and I can say that they in combination with 1x18650 cell FET driver pulls greater amperage from battery than noctigon V2! My old dedomed XP-G2 S42B, with Samsung INR30Q, everything bypassed, goes from 4.7-4.88 on each modd while on noctigon V2 I had 4.3-4.45.

Tested with unit clamp meter in combination with lux meter (3 noctigon V2 lights vs 3 L4P DTP lights). No mistake with my redneck tests…

L4P 16mm dtp board is significantly better than 16mm noctigon v2 dtp for 1x18650 FET DD driver setup.

For constant current and regulated configurations(buck boost etc) it will probably not be any difference but in single cell, single 18650 FET DD setup difference is noticeable in lux performance and on clamp meter, and especially on lux meter :+1:

New improvements on led and dtp field. LED should prevail over LASER technology :beer:

I can confirm that too. L4P DTP boards are so much harder to solder led wires than any other DTP MCPCB. I just replaced the stock led in a GT mini to L4P DTP board with Luxeon V and I needed a lot of heat to do it. Also in my Convoy L2. Same board and hard to solder. On Noctigon and any Other DTP board it is easy job. It really sucks the heat away.

It will work on a 4040 L4P board when the thermal pad is not too wide.
Maybe it’s safer to use a 3535 board.

So it is not hard to fit on an XP board :slight_smile:

Hopefully it has better tint options than the flat black.

I suspect the tolerances / (lack of) accuracy of the reflector will make it very difficult to get a tight and even beam.
Maybe i’m wrong.

Yeah, the color temp is a bit of a bummer i.m.h.o.
But it could be marketing to introduce this LED with the most impressive output.
I assume warmer tints will come later.