FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

Tom Tom, triples and quads are old fashioned and limited? How so? I must be WAY behind the times.

What a genius you are! Acknowledge a potential reason for them not being on board, suggest they burn themselves again, regardless, just so you can get a light.

That’s what this is really about isn’t it? You want a light, thought it would be ready by now so instead of showing patience you get all butt hurt and come on here sulking about it.

Grow a pair.

Tom Tom might be in a downer mood. We should just let him be. We all get this way sometimes.

We’ve probably noticed that lots of folks just like to vent on the forum. It’s not helpful or constructive to any of us, but it helps them to get things off their chest. You just have to roll with it and pay no attention.

If this is still active I’m interested in one if we are still using the +90 CRI Samsung LH351D emitters.

What new emitters and drivers? Why are triples and quads outdated?

Why would it be a “mechanical monstrosity”? What is different - and inherently less reliable - about the FW3A as we’ve seen it so far?

Cawi posted at 20 September that a lamp arrived.
But no pic, no first impression.
Did you got your 3th prototype?

To FW3A Team, Please put me down for 3. DarkerInSol Thank you

No, it seems only two were made and Neal sent them to Fritz and Cawi. I don’t know why they haven’t posted anything yet.

Because that makes so much sense, Neal :person_facepalming:

I have Faith that this Flashlight will be Built to the Best Specs posted by everyone involved before the Holidays! I’m still in for 2 and will probably wish that I had put down 4 after I get One in my hands. :+1:
I’d be willing to Bet it will happen soon and when it does it’ll be Quick!

Perhaps it’s because “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say it”

Which is not my way, as you know.

I hope that I am wrong, but it’s been a couple of weeks now.

Yeh, we all hope you are wrong but I have to admit the silence does seem odd :question:

From memory tk mentioned issues with durability/longevity of the sleeve and shorting issues. Maybe that explains the delay in feedback :question:

Sux being left in the dark but it’s so close :frowning: :expressionless:

There’s no such thing as this for a flashaholic :sunglasses:
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Lol, didn’t even cross my mind when I wrote that :laughing: :person_facepalming:

Man im getting so antsy for these guys. I love my PFlexPro triple, but I want a shorter eswitch model and this is perfect, especially with the firmware direction its heading.

Ive been eyeballing some Zebralights as of late, but im holding out for this guy considering I can get 3 for the price of 1 Zebra, and im sure the beam pattern will be more desirable.

If possible id like to up my interest to 2 lights if there will be multiple emitter options. Hopefully the LH351 wins over the Nichias

1x LH351D (High CRI)
1x XPL-HI (Throw)

I think balanced discussion is good, I would definitely like to hear more about your concerns. What do you think about the design is out of date or potentially unreliable?

* crickets *

(waiting on third prototype test results from Fritz and Cawi)

- TK

:+1: … Amen to that…… :person_facepalming:

Memo to Neal: Send prototype to TK next time. :wink:

Amen to that too :smiley: :arrow_right: