FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

I think it may be caused by a small resistor in the circuit which is specifically designed to take the edge off each FET pulse. This was done to prevent excess voltage spikes and electrical noise within the driver, but it also seems to have the effect of increasing FET efficiency slightly.

Thank you TK for the info & the picture…. that is looking good!! :+1:

Please add me to the list. One piece with LH351D emitter.

Aah, that makes sense.

I’m not really fazed about the colour. So long as it insulates the sleeve where it’s supposed to. The pictured light must be proto 3 ?

I’m very happy that we’re getting some communication now.

Amen!! :+1:

Thank you TK for picking up the communication sharing roll on this ‘Group Buy’!!

I can only imagine how difficult that has been for you since you were virtually receiving no information to share with us until recently.

Your efforts are noted & appreciated.

For without your efforts I imagine most of us mortals would be completely ‘in the dark’ concerning the FW3A.

Hopefully there is a cold blue steel tone to the original, similar to what is seen on my old Nokia 830 dumb phone.
If so, would some call it ‘gun metal’ ?

Did they mention whether the dark lines/overlap are now gone or perhaps hidden? If so, I’d call it a successfull compromise and move forward.

Well, it’s still a nice looker, despite it not being clear or light grey dyed.

Right you are Jerommel, it IS a nice looking light, just not the light we signed up for in the beginning.

IMO other than the electronic switch I honestly don’t see watt all the hoopla is about this flash vs watts already out there.

Outwardly IMO it’s an average design with essentially a TI patina. Ok. Woo hoo.

Now if it had a rotary mechanical sideswitch dimmer that was hidden behind a sliding cover that could give me some “hardness”. Or if heads with different led configurations were swappable by just unscrewing then yeah definely woo hoo. Basically a glorified P60. Or magnetic charging, woo hoo.

For this amount of effort and angst I almost expect Bluetooth, a wireless remote, and a camera. Oh, and of course a talking free battery. :laughing:

Ya know watt? I guess I’m prolly unenLIGHTened.

Yeah, its a big deal to me.

Ok I can see that. For me though I’m just kinda too old KISS fashioned on certain things.

To wit, a good precise uber reliable momentary switch (forward clicky) IS my electronic switch. :laughing:

Man, I’m dating myself. Wait that doesn’t sound right. :open_mouth:

What a wonderful offer tatasal! I can’t accept it though, you hold onto that beauty and enjoy it please.

PM sent….

Nottawhackjob, the size and the firmware are elite for an edc. That is what does it for me. I suppose you are correct in that it is not a giant leap ahead, because of the Emisar, which is similar in some ways. I like them both, but have been holding off, waiting for this one.

The more I look at this the nicer this looks. I like the quad better than triple. Perhaps Lumintop should make a FW4A since there isn’t a rear clicky quad in existence and it will be more efficient. Perhaps use 21700 batteries instead of 18650.

That would be great, after this one.

+1 :+1:

It’s alive …. and twitching!
I want one.

Thanks mate, now there is a copper version :wink:

Yes, lets not distract them :smiley:

+1 . :wink: