[Available again! - BLF special edition light] new Sofirn AAA twisty high CRI 5mm LED

Excellent!! A nice Christmas Eve gift for you…… :+1:

5600k works for walks of held close to path. Not so well clipped to cap. The diameter of beam not wider than other lights. Thought 60 degree might be really wide.

/\ … Thanks for the feed back. Looking forward to getting mine. :+1:

Just the opposite since a good amount of the LED is surrounded by a reflector so more light is altered than a narrower Nichia GS like in the E01 would be. Now if you compared the bare LEDs, the 60 degree Yuji would be wider.

I agree, the Yuji has about a 3’ maximum working range and works well indoors as a hatlamp to illuminate things in my hands, and while sitting at a table.

It will only illuminate one step in from of my feet if I hold the light pointed down with my arm hanging at my side.

I dont consider it an outdoor light, and I was surprised that you tried to use it for a nightwalk.

These are floody beams, and less than 10 lumens, with almost no hotspot. They work really well to illuminate things 10 inches away, and the lack of hotspot means the illumination is even and has no glare or overexposed hotspot when taking close up photos, for example.

For outdoor use, I need a light with a hotspot, and more lumens. The C01 works great inside a car, where a hotspot is less useful imo. And the C01 works great inside my house, when I wake to use the bathroom, in fact it is brighter than necessary, when I wake up in the dark. But its essentially useless during the day, or in situations with strong ambient light, beyond about 6” away.

The C01 is useful for reading labels on packages at the grocery store, if I hold the light about 2-4” away. And is also good for senior citizens like myself to read a menu in a restaurant, without blinding the other people at the table, because the beam circle is nice and small, about 3” diameter, when the light is held within a couple of inches of the menu.

The C01 a good close up light, for looking for something inside a bag, pack, purse, cabinet, box. :slight_smile:

The Yuji LED is not a thrower. The Fenix throws more, but it is low CRI, and has a small, odd shaped, purple hotspot…

Take all my new lights for night walks. Seems to light things up in dark room better than in outdoors.

night walks sound like a great reference for you
thanks for sharing impressions

I agree its a nice light for a dark room
fun little single mode keyring twisty

I cant decide if I like the 5600 or the 3200 better
both is better… lol

merry New Year

Merry Christmas!!!

C01 Pro with sst-20 led 4000K 95 cri


Such a tease

Yes please!

Lumens? Price? When available?

My bonus gift C8F kit is great!


About 100 lumens according to heat & runtime & driving current.

This is hand-made prototype, will do mass production in January I think.

Price is not confirmed yet….

Ordered on Nov 24 without discount price and arrived today. I supposed I got weak pocket clips. If I’m about to buy upcoming SST-20 version, will Sofirn send me better replacement clips or not?

“Supposed”? Either you do or you don’t… check them out & let us know. I’m curious too because I ordered the same day IIRC & mine have not arrived yet. :slight_smile:

I ordered one 3200k C01 on November 25th and the light arrived to Vietnam on December 23rd. Well, at least it did arrive before Christmas. The clip on my C01 is defenitely a weak one, it can be bent easily so the only reason why i keep it on to stop the light from rolling all over the place. Such a shame because C01 is a great light and to my suprise, the fit & finish is better than i expected from a 7$ light ! Also wonder that can Sofirn send me a replacement clip for the C01,

Thanks for the info mk23. Sorry to hear you got weak clips. Mine probably will be too. :frowning:

Hopefully Sofirn will fix you up with replacements, good luck. :+1:

Warm white also ordered on Nov 23/24 arrived home last week and has been fun. No issues with the clips either so I guess it’s luck of the draw. A little disappointed though that it’s not practical to use outdoors as that’s my most used scenario.

Unfortunately I got weak ones.

In for two or three !

Number of modes? (please, only two modes, 10-100 %)
Support Li-ión? (please, yes yes yes :slight_smile: )

Thanks and congratulations, Sofirn :+1:

:frowning: . Sorry to hear that caplang. Hopefully Sofirn will send you some proper clips. Good luck…. :+1:

Well, its good you are learning more about what is a realistic expectation for a 10 lumen floody Yuji LED. Maybe be glad you did not pay $48 for one. Consider it an inexpensive education.

These little Yujis are plenty bright for inside a Tent, or inside a dark room.

For outdoor needs, my guess is you need a light that is brighter. Bear in mind it will use batteries faster.

Did you ever try a Fenix E01 outdoors… its not very good for that either. They cost a bit more, but they do have a tiny hotspot that reaches slightly further. fwiw, They dont come with pocket clips. And they dont come in High CRI. I do not recommend the Fenix E01.

The next AAA light I would recommend for you to try is a Lumintop Tool with N219b:
They do come with a reversible pocket clip, they do have a hotspot that throws farther. And they do have 3 modes of different brightness levels. They have a nice tail switch button too, its one of my favorite AAA lights, highly recommended.

If you think you need tailstanding, theres a version with flat tail too, comes from Massdrop
mine are copper, theres also brass and titanium options