Sofirn SP36, impressions of a sample

With NarsilM 1.2, the top of the ramp should be the same as turbo. If Sofirn makes Anduril versions of the light though, the default settings put the top of the ramp at about half power. Turbo is still available with a double click though, and the user can move the ends of the ramp to any level.

I have a problem. It's one of the spring. It was fine and all. Until I tried one of my button top GA. And for some reason. It deformed the spring. now it's not even and I can't use my VTC6's . Never experienced this before on a flashlight etc... The spring is so weak. Is it a defect on mine? I only put my protected GA and that happened. I have PMed Sofirn and asked if they can send me a replacement battery holder for my SP36. Haven't been replied yet. I panicked when it happened lol. Never experienced this before. And it's just weird in my opinion. The spring should be able to just handle the button top GA without deforming. Anyways here are the images.

Kinda disappointed with how easy it was to deform the spring with my button top GA. tho I'm not sure it's supposed to be like that. Prob mine is defective. The spring

Edit : I just tried prying it up with a small head screwdriver and no go. It's stuck in that position. From the top looking at the holder. It looks just fine.

Edit 2 : I just remembered that i have tried using that battery before and tried my Pana B's button top pack . and it was fine. i guess my spring is defective and it has decided to give up. because i remembered that i tried my button top Pana B's and that GA at first just to test it out when it first got here and it was just fine.

OK is there a possibility you put it in backwards?

nope there is no way lol. im not that dumb :stuck_out_tongue: . i know how dangerous it is to put it backwards. and also . its button top. the button top is always on top. the picture there with my vtc6 are just so you guys can see that it is much lower than other springs.

The inner and outer springs may be entangled. If you take the end cap off, unscrew the board, you can get access to the springs and see better what's going on.

Take pics if you want us to help further.

wait. we can take the end cap off? what way ?

I thought mine simply unscrews - I could be wrong...

yep after some force it came off. wait gonna see

PBWilson shows the screws here: from removing the end cap, but didn't show the board removed. Dunno if anyone else posted pics of it. I could, but right now can't get access to my shop.

When I have to get aggressive with breaking a glued seal, this is what I use:

it seems like. the screws are so tight … i tried to remove one screw. and i destroyed the screw. tried the second one. and it almost destroys it . remember… my screwdriver is the one with many sizes . ive used the size closest to the actual screw. with no go (the screw number one) and other sizes and the number 2 is beginning to become destroyed. i didnt use too much force. just usual force. idk. its weird

:FACEPALM: not good... I struggled with stripped out screws before on some lights. Over tightening/glue is down right evil!

It is, i wish it was like 80% of the top of the ramp.

hehe. welp. i guess now i just need to wait and hope Sofirn will send me a replacement battery holder … can you help tag Sofirn on this thread? ive PMed them on Aliexpress. its just weird how its like that. i mean yeah they could be intertwined maybe? but now i cant do anything. oh anyways im wondering . why didnt sofirn ship all SP36 with bypassed springs? it should result in better power …

Heres an Unboxing i did, - YouTube, nit a bad light tint isnt to good, but i guess its typical for the LEDs, other then that i like it.

the thing that makes me kinda mad is how soon it happens lol. i just got this light for a few weeks. if it is infact intertwined springs, i guess its better to have normal springs with bypass… since i think the double springs are for making sure it can handle high current right?

Here's mine, pics I just took.

Used a P1 size and worked pretty easy. Screws appear to be decent quality but can't be sure:

Inner springs are fairly large. Together, they are pretty stiff:

A large "Blue" spring compared to the stock springs. This is the spring I would replace them with. Stiffness and height seem to match up well, but the stock springs compress tighter - the inner compresses well inside the outer and at max compression, they are pretty flat. For the large Blue spring, the rings appear to stack up, not fit inside each other. It's really how the spring is shaped:

The screws came out clean:

For the pic, somehow a fuzz ball got in the top of the Blue spring. This is going to be a downside for the Blue springs I would think - protected cells may not fit. True conical shapes get full compression, but the Blue BeCu springs are more cylindrical shaped.

@white7561: so you quit because of some stuck screws? If you want to go forth with getting the spring back to functioning they will just have to get out.

Welp. Lucky you. Anyways. Either I got a defective holder springs or luck is not on my side lol

Well here’s the thing. Normal way doesn’t work as you can see. If I went to “destructive” power to open it and something went wrong . That’s it. I can’t use it anymore like at all. I don’t even know if they would send me a replacement batt holder.

No luck so far with the wire loop method to open it up. The solder keeps giving way. Using 16 AWG wire - maybe the solder is not bonding well? It's not cleanly coming off the brass ring though, every time, but once it did. I'll try cranking up the iron heat more. Maybe I should let it cool off for a while?