Fireflies E07 preview

Ohhh , that's funny - it's listed but not pictured.

Hmmm I’ve got an idea for you TomE…

How about you sell all of your other E07s, and only keep the E07 clear?

Not only will you make some dough back to buy other torches, but you will get some much needed space for a real beauty, the FW3A :heart_eyes:

Actually it IS pictured on the page I linked. Just keep scrolling down. There are a lot of pictures on that page.


Blue - The clear E07 is the only one I own. I got one ROT66 (pre AUX LED's), one PL47, and now one E07. Boy, you think I'm nuts and have 100's of lights? Ohhh, yea, guess I do... I'll make the room for the FW3A(s), I'm one of the first ones on the list.

Oh niiice.

I’m probably going to do something quite special with the light.

Since LH351Ds 90CRI have about the same VF as SST-20s 95CRI, I’m going to be mixing some emitters in :slight_smile:

A few pics of my raw aluminum E07. The aux are purple but look blue in pics. Plastic cap over the tail cap so I can hold it in my mouth at work and not chip my teeth. Tint of these XPL HI 5000k are gorgeous. I’m surprised how low the moonlight is even with 7 leds on. I’m ready for my gray one to get here before I scuff this thing up anymore. I’ve already dropped it several times.

The E07 has the led it shipped with on the side of the box in that triangle.

My LED's are definitely SST-20's (pulled the optics to check) and best I can tell from the scribble on the box is they are 4000K. The beam pattern looks so smooth and silky.

The 5000K's have the lower CRI but a lot more output and throw. I got some on order to see how they do - appears you should get more throw than XPL HI's.

Lockout in this light has nothing to do with ano, the pcb in the tail cap has to touch the tube, it’s not about the threads at all. :wink:

For those of you with the E07 and the D4S, is the D4S significantly more throwy? I dont find my E07 throwy.

The E07 is quite a bit throwier than the E07.

thank you!

Dale - true, I see the PCB is isolated from the tailcap. The E07 sure does have a big hot spot. The Amutorch X9 is much tighter, but of course it's got 3 reflectors, bout the same width optics/glass.

Were you trying to be funny or forgot to replace one word with the other? XD

Battcheck on my E07 isn’t working correct…It says that the voltage is 0.2V higher than it is in reality.
So, if the batterie is 3.91V, battcheck tells me it is 4.1v(4 flashes—>pause—>1flash), tested it with different batteries
Battcheck on my PL47 is working correct

Yea, I have a meter, battery charger, and light that tell me the voltage and they all give me slightly different numbers.

There's some significant variation from driver to driver (MCU and diode), so each light should be individually calibrated for it's voltage reading to get it precise. I don't see it in the Anduril manual here, not sure I missed it. For the most part, a 0.2V difference won't make a big difference in LVP - LVP will still work fine, just on yours it will kick in on 2.6V instead of 2.8V which is still safe for the battery.

If we used a voltage divider in the design of the driver, it would be more accurate from piece to piece but a higher parasitic drain and we lose a very valuable I/O pin.

I got a unique custom configured diode voltage drop setting per flashlight I mod with NarsilM, adjusted to 1/100th of a volt. I can get it pretty accurate by sampling with a bench PS or using a few batteries at different levels.

Calibrating temp and voltage is something I really need to get in to the NarsilM UI, or Anduril at this point. It's a pain to re-flash for these adjustments.

I’ve just got 21700 batteries I ordered a long time ago.

red Vapcell 4500mAh 20A

Flat top and button top
Width is ok
Button top is way too long, as expected
Flat top works, but gets slightly crushed

I received my 21700 50E today too. It would be too long on the vanilla E07, but fits perfectly after the copper wire trick to extend the tube by 1.5 mm (described in a video posted in this thread).

In my case it seems to be the opposite, the E07 underestimates the battery voltage by 0.2V compared to the XSTAR charger. I haven’t tested multiple batteries yet though.