BLF Q8 diffuser (lantarn)?

Just bought this one

Maybe I try the bag one later but I think that with my use it will get muddy very soon :slight_smile:
L version?

Here: *BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

I’ve seen that thread. I’m just looking for upgrade for my Q8.

S is for tiny lights, L for larger ones.

Q8 is a tiny light so S should be fine. :wink: I can check when I’m back home.

I really like the Fenix AOD-L. It fits on snug so doesn’t fall off or move about and it diffuses the beam very nicely when I use it inside. I’ve bought one from hkequipment and one from Kaidomain. I’ve found hkequipment tends to ship a little faster than KD, at least in my experiemce (in case you want it quickly).

Does it well fit on the Q8?
Diameter of the Q8 is 59mm and the Fenix diffuser has a diameter of 63mm

I have Lumintop Tool 2.0 AA/AAA with a silicone differs and a Nitecore LC10 with a PVC (I think) diffuser.
The Lumintops have a much more pleasant light. Doesn’t hurt my eyes at all when looking in the light.

Yes, fits on the Q8. That’s what I use them on. The opening is larger so the Q8’s bezel sits about 2cm inside the diffuser where it tapers in. A gentle press down fits it quite tightly to the bezel.

I've never been a fan of wand style diffusers since they generally become like a bare light bulb and be unbearable to even be around . So my default is to run flat diffuser film and even then on a light like the Q8 to make a lens cap type one that will pop on and pop off easily .

If you must run a wand diffuser I like ones that let lots of light out the top and not so much out the sides.

It's a matter of using a different type of plastic .One like is commonly used as a medical specimen testing or test sample container .

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Used ones can be way too yellow. :stuck_out_tongue:

This. :arrow_upper_right:

Even on my Aider/Ultratac/whatever AAA light with diffuser, the paltry amount of light concentrated into a small area just grates on me after a while. I much rather use ceiling-bounce.

Unless you’re glamping and would have to use “tent-bounce” for light, I’d use something other than a diffuser. But if you’re stuck with that as the only reasonable solution, yeah, the above suggestions should work fine.

That’s so with this light:
But not so (imo) with the Lumintop tool Lights & Gadgets: Image
That’s relaxing light. No idea why, it’s bright and very white. Perhaps the silicone filters out UV?


Basement/crawlspace bounce :slight_smile:

I’d be happy with a flashlight equivalent of a “cone of shame” that dogs wear to keep from biting at stitches, wounds, etc.

Would still direct diffuse light forward, but keep it from shining back in my face. Even holding it directly away from me, there’s enough arm-length parallax to expose the bright glowy bits to both eyes.

Could be a nice option. Has a tracking system and runs 5 hours on a bone :slight_smile:

I recently took apart a few LCD TVs at work and salvaged parts for repair work. I also salvaged the diffuser film used for the backlight. Nearly 180 deg. of light, almost no glare. Like it enough to put in a Maglite 2AA and some Defiant flashlights, as well as a couple 6V lanterns we use at work for general lighting tasks.

Just checked. They say 65 mm diameter but Q8 is a tight fit. Took me like a minute on the first (slightly drunk) try. Surely could be done way faster with experience. L would be much easier but then it would be so large…
I’m not sure which one to recommend but probably S. :slight_smile:

Sounds a bit like my prom night.

I bought a cheap lambency diffuser for mine. It works, but does create the bare light bulb effect so I haven’t used it much. Indoors,ceiling bounce is usually preferable to me. Otherwise I’m patiently waiting for the BLF Lantern.

Wellp, anyone wantsa get crazy, get a clear jug of water, set it atop the Q8, and add just a few drops of milk for the amount of “haze” you want in it.

The bigger the jug, the more diffuse the light, and less bare-lightbulb effect.

Me, I’d just stick with ceiling-bounce.

I made this one from a plastic tumbler. I just sanded it to dull it up and diffuse more of the light. Took only 10 minutes and didn’t cost a dime. Already had the cup sitting in the cabinet unused. I am not a fan of most diffusers. Too small and too milky white looking for my taste. I like warmer looking for out on the patio table or deck.