[Review] Airpro DC7

Wellp, it’s got a “breather” sideclicky instead of constant-on like the Q8, and I don’t recall any battery-check option. I found some narsim “cheetsheets”, and yeah, it looks like a PhD dissertation vs the DC7’s manual/options.

Frankly, I managed to get it into stepped modes (vs ramping), and could only manage to go backwards with a long-press. Too short, and it just shuts off (duh). So back to ramping…

Hate “breathers”, so the only other option was to keep the sideclicky turned off. Oh well…

So… quick braindead ramp-up/ramp-down seems fine to me. Shortcuts to lowest/highest are great, too. Probably all the other stuff was edited out for the “simple” version of the UI.

Seems like they tried to copy NarsilM, but couldn’t do it perfectly.

If it’s all freely available in source, wouldn’t it be easier to just pilfer it as a whole, than to try diddling with it trying to copy it one feature at a time?

If they did start with narsim, they might’ve just lopped off parts they didn’t want to bother with, to muggleify it.

Anyhoo, up/down/lowest/highest is fine with me. That’s pretty much all I ever do with my real Q8.

Sounds like they went with one simple mode set rather than the 8-12 or so Narsil supports. It's simpler in that way I guess...

Yes, they did the mimicking in a pretty bad way. Probably used the source code, simplified couple things, maybe ported to a different MCU, not sure.

It's a real, true violation of the principle the source code was released under. I suppose mimicking is honoring, and can't blame them, but they could have thrown us a bone - mentioned it's based on the BLF users, contributions, etc. - even not me personally, but to at least mention our forum...

Funny - Amazon did publish my question, quoted earlier...

This was me: This looks like a sofrn q8 copy, adding charging and slight style changes. why did you copy the sofirn q8?

Don-cha just luv it? We are famous and good enough to be cloned! Wait, didn't we clone the SRK or SupFire M6 with the Q8? Well.........

This is why we have to take this matter into our own hands.

We’ve worked with Chinese manufacturers before, and we have the proof some of them are very willing to work with us.

The next step would be to make a true BLF flashlight.

One with components from members all around the world, built with BLF standards and excellent quality control.

We need to show manufacturers that we are a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Maybe I should do a post about my plan… But that is something completely different.

Just complying with the GPL V2/V3 would be fine.

You know, that's do-able. For that we need direct contact with the fabricators in China, or even elsewhere. But basically, lot of these manufacturers simple contract out the work. You could probably contract out at different levels (full soup to nuts or just parts), different levels of quality too. Of course not many here speak Chinese and have the contacts - this is why you can use a go-between.

…and you’ll have a GoPanda or ElfLion knockoff of the light hitting BG/GB/etc. before the “real” version’s even announced.

True... Hhmm, kind of like Manker?

That’s why you manufacture the parts, and then assemble them somewhere else.

Is this flash able with Narsil?

Might get rid of the breathing light switch.

Would be nice.

Imagine if it’s a narsim knockoff, the µC is the same, but I’ve got no idea if anyone’s compared.

Think earlier I here I asked bout the driver, and someone posted the driver pics and appears to be a PIC controller, not ATMEL. Very rare to find ATMEL in production lights. In fact early on in the Q8 development, the ThorFire engineering team decided to implement our UI on a PIC, totally re-wrote our/my provided firmware, and really messed it up. They ended up firing the engineers, started over from scratch with out ATtiny85 and our firmware.

On this one they probably did like a true port of the code to a PIC because they seemed to dupe the UI pretty well.

Thank you.

So No?

Five quick clicks of the switch and the breathing switch light is disabled. I am very pleased with the two I purchased. I am also the proud owner of two Q8’s as well. Gotta love the built in charger on the Airpro DC7. I prefer the eye that never sleeps for ease of location in the dark.

Not got the DC7 yet.
Can’t stand the PWM on My Astrolux FT02 breathing light.

Yes, no... Not the same MCU therefore not compatible.

How about a Q8 driver board install?

Would it be as easy as that ?

possible but I don’t know for sure.

I asked Barry if Sofirn was making these, and he said no, and didn’t know who Airpro was.

Thank for the reply.