[♛ FreemeGB] Fireflies E07 7* Nichia/ SST20/ XP-L HI Emitters 21700 Flashlight Group Buy -【 New Copper+Titanium 】

Hi Freeme, I have the same question:
Any news about cu+ti e07 edition?When will they open for sale?

I’m sort of glad these are not available as I would be forced to buy one and I already own the fantastic E07.

and with red auxiliary LEDs for sure I couldn’t say no.


Are these available and how much??

Are these available and how much??


it was one of the prototypes, official available end of may I heared…

Now isn’t that just the prettiest little thing? :smiley:

Sign me up, y’all know I’m all over that!


Nice! I wait for the retail version.

Mine need that copper! Samsung LH351D W6’s on a 30T pull enough to make 7170 lumens! :smiley:

These are 80CRI, yes?

At 85% optical efficiency, you are probably outputting around 8400 lumens.

That’s 84W of power in a single 21700 light…

That is insane.

You need all the heat capacity you can get.

My brightest E07 with the XP-L HI v3 5000k makes about 7,400 lumens at 1s. Actual numbers was posted in this thread but too lazy to look it up.

dont forget u can fry an egg on the copper head too probably :wink:

The E07 I measured at 7170 has no other changes besides the emitter swap. The LH351D W6 5000K are, I believe, 70 CRI.

Oddly enough, I like the color they make better than the 80 CRI version that also claims 5000K.

Yes, LH351D 5.000K W6 has 70CRI. Its beam doesn't look that much different to its 90CRI counterpart, at least when shining against a white wall. While they produce a floodier beam they still appear to have the best rendition of actual white light between hot spot and spill, i.e. no fried eggs to be found. :-P

I am not sure why but I was somewhat resistant to try them, but now I love em and have used about a hundred already. :smiley:

mine needs to be full copper… all of it please

Hello I would like copper / Ti and Battery volt after Charging is 4,21 volt battery for turbo mode and shutdown please at 3,50 volt for the red ones battery led.

Thank you!

that would been a very very bad idea for this type of light, it would look very nice too but hardly useful… :frowning:

haha yeah just like all the other Cu lights the get super hot everywhere

or they could make a full copper version and lower the max output, then it would be usable .