The first XM-L T6 bin flashlights and P60 modules. This is the beginning

KD has already dropped the price of the 5-mode P60 drop-in. Was $20.70, now $18.80, same price as the 1-mode . . .

Moments ago I ordered the KD's XM-L T6 1A, at least they are honest enough to give the asigned track number upfront.

The previously ordered from another vendor is freezed in 'pending' since the order was made.

How good/bad is that tint , 1A ?

It is between 6500 and 7000 K (equal-to and slightly-cooler than the standard daylight temperature D6500). The same as the light at an overcast day at noon. No greenish or purple dominance.

It has a purple green tinge on the edge [ depending on emitter ] One of mine has a purple outer edge , the other a green outer edge , whilst the middle of the beam is white to Neutral ...

Very strange ... But only really noticeable to the camera and white walling ...

Though I did get some warmer [ less cool ] tints from cutter [ Havent used them as yet ]

At this time many of you got their XM-L dropins i believe (except me). So... How did you find your P60 host of choice regarding thermals? Suitable or barely usable? I heard the C8 host revieved here did perform spledidly in all spects.

Solarforce L2m is fine for me. It does heat up the head and the body gets warm which does mean it is getting the heat out of the dropin.

I ordered an L2P for my p60 drop-in (which will be shipped in a couple of days hopefully), along with the KD C8 of course :)

Pity, KD sent an SDHC adaptor instead of a 3A 2x18650 driver. I'll have to postpone my double battery XM-L project. Everything was ready, TR1200 body, MC-E reflector and a T5 star. I almost knew that they wouldn't meet at the same point. :)

Great then, but you mentioned that your output dropped noticeably over time. Heat issues or driver if you by chance narrowed it down...

Could be the cells, could be heat. If I can rig up a current probe, I can stick it on the lightbox and measure current from the cell. Still can't get the meters to play nicely with Linux so that I can log more than one thing at a time.

Try virtualbox and use a "demo" windows XP perhaps. Might work just fine.

Might try virtualbox on a windows box but Windows is weird about USB and will only see one meter at a time.

Oh, i thought you were linux only... ah it's the multimeter software flaw then.

No, I'm a Mac guy but have Solaris, Linux, Windows boxes around. Until earlier this year, I was planning to replace my Linux fileserver (with 11 year old hardware in it) with a box running Solaris and ZFS.

These days a fileserver is a lot less necessary than it used to be with cheap external hard drives and a gigabit network.

The software is not great - internally the meter appears to have some sort of strange UART in it, with a USB converter half-heartedly bolted on. The meter appears to be a rebadged Peak Tech 4390

The place I got it from no longer sells it unfortunately and has deleted the links to driver updates.

Oh well, someone who ordered a SDHC adapter is going to really wonder what they got. That's frustrating that you are missing one critical part.

"The software is not great - internally the meter appears to have some sort of strange UART in it, with a USB converter half-heartedly bolted on. The meter appears to be a rebadged Peak Tech 4390"

Oh the old trick of a old standard serial communication system spit in the face by a half assed usb to rs232 converter... which probaby install itself each time you change the usb port. :/ (COM port 22 and counting...)

ordered 4 Cree XM-L T6 1C leds today

apparently the Australian dollar is now worth more than the US dollar. go figure.

53 shipped to the US. eeeek lol

i figured 1c will be blueish white enough for me :-)

And will only work at all when set to Com1-8, 2400 8N1

Why bother with USB when you make it pretend to be a 1990 modem?

Maybe that way it does appeal to many users. Also RS232 ports are being a luxury addon on motherboards nowadays.

Maybe that way it does appeal to many users. Also RS232 ports are being a luxury addon on motherboards nowadays.

More XM-L lights at DX, this time a "bit" cheaper