The first XM-L T6 bin flashlights and P60 modules. This is the beginning

Oh, i thought you were linux only... ah it's the multimeter software flaw then.

No, I'm a Mac guy but have Solaris, Linux, Windows boxes around. Until earlier this year, I was planning to replace my Linux fileserver (with 11 year old hardware in it) with a box running Solaris and ZFS.

These days a fileserver is a lot less necessary than it used to be with cheap external hard drives and a gigabit network.

The software is not great - internally the meter appears to have some sort of strange UART in it, with a USB converter half-heartedly bolted on. The meter appears to be a rebadged Peak Tech 4390

The place I got it from no longer sells it unfortunately and has deleted the links to driver updates.

Oh well, someone who ordered a SDHC adapter is going to really wonder what they got. That's frustrating that you are missing one critical part.

"The software is not great - internally the meter appears to have some sort of strange UART in it, with a USB converter half-heartedly bolted on. The meter appears to be a rebadged Peak Tech 4390"

Oh the old trick of a old standard serial communication system spit in the face by a half assed usb to rs232 converter... which probaby install itself each time you change the usb port. :/ (COM port 22 and counting...)

ordered 4 Cree XM-L T6 1C leds today

apparently the Australian dollar is now worth more than the US dollar. go figure.

53 shipped to the US. eeeek lol

i figured 1c will be blueish white enough for me :-)

And will only work at all when set to Com1-8, 2400 8N1

Why bother with USB when you make it pretend to be a 1990 modem?

Maybe that way it does appeal to many users. Also RS232 ports are being a luxury addon on motherboards nowadays.

Maybe that way it does appeal to many users. Also RS232 ports are being a luxury addon on motherboards nowadays.

More XM-L lights at DX, this time a "bit" cheaper

Ordered YJ J01 at the first glance. Cancelled my KD C8 order as I built my own C8 last night. It was hard to find some space in a C8 body and the pill is crushing under pressure now. I hope this 1cm longer Eastward is better. 3 modes are still High, Mid, Strobe unfortunately.

Waiting your review/opinions/thoughts

Which 18650 battery did you use to test tail-cap current and how accurate is your meter?

The reason I ask is that I have several flashlights that are claimed to be driven in the 2,500 mA to 3,000 mA range, however when I check them at the tail cap I only get 2.0000A to 2.2793A (my KD Cree XM-L T6 drop-in) with my Fluke 189 digital multimeter with fully charged TrustFire Protected 18650 3.7V True 2400mAh Rechargeable Lithium Batteries

Some CPF members claim that in order to reach the full current, AW cells must be used See:**NEW**-MG-P-Rocket-SST-50-800-Lumens-Compact-LED-Flashlight&p=2593225&viewfull=1#post2593225

The meter's a very battered Fluke 77 Series 3 though the leads are aftermarket DX ones. There is a place locally that would calibrate it for me. At four times what I paid for the meter! I own several meters so I can easily measure it with something else. The Fluke is the one I trust most.

The cell used was a Trustfire unprotected 2500mAh - I seem to have hit on a good batch of those when I got 6 of them a couple of years ago.

I can easily redo the measurements with different cells and meters. Might be interesting for my own confidence in them.

I finally recieved my XM-L from KD with the skyray host for 25,55USD. Did the foil trick. Left it tailstanding at full brightness on desk for about 10min. It is scorching hot! Draws 2,86A.

I think exposing lithium batteries to 60C or more is a bad idea. Maybe on my bike it will hold on high.


Which 18650 battery did you use to test tail-cap current and how accurate is your meter?

The reason I ask is that I have several flashlights that are claimed to be driven in the 2,500 mA to 3,000 mA range, however when I check them at the tail cap I only get 2.0000A to 2.2793A (my KD Cree XM-L T6 drop-in) with my Fluke 189 digital multimeter with fully charged


You are using the stock probes and those not work at low voltage high current, usually those has 200 to 300 miliOhm and that is too much.

Try 10 cm long thick wires, mine MTE-F15 take 2,750 A with the TF flames cells from DX

I have one from long agao that serverd me really well. Not Fluke granted but probes aren't the cheapest available. I tried sticking decent gauge wire directly to test the difference. It was in the margin of error. Granted never tried anything above 1,4A untill today.

The cell was an unprotected sony 18650 i scavenged from a almost new laptop. The laptop was left at the shop when we told the guy it is beyond repair. (The laptop was thrown out of the window of a running truck). The reasony why is still unknown to me. I did thank him for the cells with a coffee tho.

The images in thread suggest that most 18650 batteries can draw 3 amp

and in tis thread all can take 3,5A and most 5A

Budgeteer: Did you buy this one ?

Some members of cpf are so nationalistic that they believe that american goods are

much better than everything else. In my country we have people that think the same.

Fortunately we also have this guy, who in this thread proved that AW´s are not in any way better

than the average budgetbattery:

Meter check (Cell at 4.20V)

Current draw XM-L P60 in a Solarforce body.

Fluke 77

2660mA High

1030mA medium

90mA low

Top off the cell again and test with the other meters. Same cell and same leads which are better than most.

Peak Tech 4390 1

Cell voltage 4.223V, the Fluke says 4.20. But then both of the Peak Tech meters say around 400mV DC with nothing connected.

2808mA High

1040mA Medium

105mA Low

Peak Tech 4390 2

Cell Voltage 4.223, the Fluke again says 4.20

2727mA High

1030mA Medium

107mA Low

No-name multimeter I've had for 20 years. It wasn't the cheapest, but was about 15% of the cost of a comparable Fluke at the time.

Cell Voltage 4.21 The Fluke says 4.21

2830mA High

1080mA Medium

110mA Low.

Since I happen to have some 2.5mm2 solid copper cable here, time to make up some nice heavy leads then try again. Now where have I put the wire cutters?

The difference surprised me. These leads are a pain to use as the stuff is springy.




Just done on the Fluke, life is too short to repeat for all 4 meters.