【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated


There are 6500K and 4000K options to choose from, but the product description says 6500K D2-1A and 5000K B4-40E. I Found D2-1A that’s on the BBL, but can’t find B4-40E? Maybe someone can indicate to me where this emitter sits on the BBL??

Should be 4000K B4-40E.

Yeah, I just pointed that out to Simon so he can correct it. My concern is the B4-40E. It doesn’t show that code on the BBL binning picture on the data sheet.

Ah whoops :slight_smile:

i sell L6 host ,too ,i dont want to add link in my store ,
you can order L6 flashlight ,and note ” L6 host” ,then i will adjust the amount

Thank you for reminding me, I changed it.

Thanks, PMed

The XHP35 driver, is it for 12V LED’s ?

yes, 12V

Apparently H1 UI updated for the traditional Olight/Thrunite style UI.

Interesting… Can now look into emitter swaps for high CRI. Would suggest a new headband with over-head strap, though.

Interesting, where do you see this?



Got a post of mine re: the UI responded to, so hey, if that’s accurate, everyone should know :slight_smile:

Hello Simon,

Does the XHP35 HI 4000K B4-40E have 90 CRI?

not high CRI

I would suggest XHP70.2 with 21700 for floody beam profile.

High CRI led is really what a headlamp should be! Now is “Durian” season, picker need to see clearly at night in search of durian. Some time green durian and green grass make searching a lot challenging. we need a good colour contrast and also a good battery which Convoy already have…great! Looking for an upgrade version…

Swap out the MCPCB in the H1 for a 16mm SST20 or LH351D :wink:

A host headlamp? maybe…

Is it possible, that you fit your 22mm XHP35 Boost-Driver to a 17mm driver board? That would be realy great.

Hey Simon, will you also sell 5000 K version of XHP35HIs? 4000K is too warm for many of us, thanks.

Simon, is it possible to make turbo mode access only after 2 click, from any position(on or off) without memorizing it?
So it could be 0,1% - 1% - 10% - 40% and turbo after 2 click