REVIEW: Sofirn SD05 Scuba Diving Flashlight

I recently tested the SD05's thermal regulation.

It seems to work like a charm. I did not manage to drive it beyond 55°C (ATR thermal threshold for stepdown) even when restarting the high-mode. It would be nice to run the SD05 without time-triggered stepdowns.

A dive with this light would be awesome! Exactly what the forum needs.

About the modes, you may switch it up again to turbo.

Looking forward to your dive!

That's a nice thermo test! Thank you!

I think the problem is the ferrous composition of some sand grains that is attracted by the magnet in the switch ring.
Try compressed air, or with a more powerful magnet

Water rinsing took care of the issue but I'm still a little wary about the grit. I wish I could see the underside of the ring just to see how stuff can get stuck. Sometimes, pressurized air can push stuff further in to where you don't want it so gotta be careful. Ferrous materials could come out in that manner. Just depends on the underside of the ring.

Thank you for sharing these solutions.

I have been looking for a new budget light since i buy for poverty people in provinces that provide foods for their families by fishing daily and was looking into this one.

Just got a bit skeptical reading the “manual” and was wondering if anyone have the estimated time it actual manages to run? (lets say the included 4000mah 21700 battery states the below)

low 300 = 8.16h
mid 900 = 2.30h
high 2550 = 1.38h

Comparing other lights with a single battery and simular inputs this sounds to be way way off

Assume you have 15Wh of energy (4Ah x 3,7V avg)
The turbo high (~24W?) switches to medium(12W) after 3 minutes.
At the end of discharge this so called ‘high mode’ is probably only 7-8W.
So dividing 15Wh by average 10-11W gives good aproximation of ~1.5h.

Looking at the run time graph in the review, the actual is 2.2 hrs for my sample (starting from turbo). Low is approximately 300 lumens and bright enough for many tasks.

I'll set up a run on the low mode, tonight. Report to follow...

Following up, the light ran for 8 hrs 20 minutes where it dropped from 900-475 lux (300-150 lm) down to 281 lux and below. I shut it off & found voltage to be at 2.7V.

Had no idea how to calculate that before you show how it was done so thanks for that!

Thanks for the update and testing, looks very promising and already contacted Sofirn to order a few of these.

I’ve noticed and increase in shark activity in my swimming pools so I wonder…….will it repel sharks?

What is interesting about his is that I can use it in highly “wet” areas. Like if a snowblower jams at night, I can use it without worrying about water melting on it and causing a lithium bonfire. Or using and abusing it through wet work gloves. That already happened to me last winter and even though the flashlights are “waterproof” I was a bit concerned about snow melting on it. Although it did keep it cool!

I wrote on a previous post I don’t need another flashlight…….yeah, right…… :person_facepalming:

No worries, marked-as-spam. :smiling_imp:

I ordered the flashlight on Aliexpress. Waiting for delivery. Flashlight is simple to use rotating ring and is also suitable as a gift for the older person. You can see exactly what mode is set. It may not be easy for the elderly to select modes by pressing a button. I turn the ring and it’s done.

Cool video!!! Do you like floody or thrower as a diving light?

I prefer thrower, it helps with underwater communication in dark water

I added some better beam shots in post #11.

Hjeh, and got away lucky in the 2nd shot. :laughing:

I just saw one of the little armadillos here crunching away on catfood and busted-up cookies on the patio. Birds didn’t even touch the latter (they’re like, “Hey, wherenahell’s our bread??”), but I knew come nightfall someone would.

We had a white skunk here last year (yeah, all white but 2 parallel black racing stripes down the middle), but haven’t seen him/them this year.

Thing is, you could smell when they were in town. Their stank just carried…

Anyhoo, love the way the ’05 just lights up everything in sight, and the magswitch is a hoot!

I was eating at twilight in The Basin campsite of Big Bend NP and heard something coming up to the table. It was a white skunk with spots where stripes normally are. We jumped away and in doing so, scared the critter away. 20 minutes later, I heard little feet again. This time, it was a brown skunk with white strips. OMG! Better than bears!... I think.

Funny story:

Wow, I thought there was only one kind of skunk, too. Black, white stripes, speak with French accents, etc. Had no idea there were so many, especially in Texas.

But this is NYC we’re talking about, and I never ever expected to see skunks here, yet multiple kinds. Trash-pandas, sure, as they live in cemeteries where they’re relatively undisturbed, and forage for food at night. Was surprised at my possums, especially when I got to pet one which was wedged in a trash bag licking out cans of catfood. Yep, played dead when I pried him out, must’ve come to when I was showing him to a neighbor who was coming home late, and the critter saw his chance and made a waddle for it, taking off down the alley, so I let him go. (They glow red under UV, too.)

What’s really crazy about NYC is that you have coyotes . Surprised I haven’t heard of black bears there or are they?