The Daily Joke Thread

I saw this on today...

I thought it was pretty ingenious.

Went to the local zoo today, they only had 1 dog.
It was a Shih Tzu

Dyslexic man walks into a bra.

Old man goes to his doctor…

“Doc, I got a problem. Every morning I have a bowel movement at 6:30, just like clockwork.”

Doc asks, “Hm? Why’s that a problem?”.

Old guy replies, “I don’t get out of bed ’til 8.”.

That one belongs in the same place as the shih tzu…. :wink:

You should make this a poll here at BLF, so we can see which poll answer is most popular among flashaholics.

Nice To E-Meet You

I'm inside your head and I hate it. Please let me out.

Went for a drive today and all these people were standing around in this paddock. On the way home they were still there, I thought to myself that must be a vacant lot.

Not only Friday the 13th, but also a Full Moon today! :smiling_imp:

Abridged version:

have you heard the one about the skunk?
never mind, it stinks

YIKES! :open_mouth:

Math Work

I could type this into a solver, which MIGHT help, but would also mean I have to get a lot of parentheses right....

C’mmon guys. What kind of jokes are these??try to ever beat this one…

- what do you get if you drop a piano into a mine shaft?

  • A Flat Minor

Yeah, I don’t get a lot of this newfangled innernet humor.

Okay, here’s something more my speed…

Ah, and can’t forget this one…

It’s fun watching the others trying to stifle their own laffs.

I hope this isn't a repost.

….except for his flashlight collection !