The Daily Joke Thread

You should make this a poll here at BLF, so we can see which poll answer is most popular among flashaholics.

Nice To E-Meet You

I'm inside your head and I hate it. Please let me out.

Went for a drive today and all these people were standing around in this paddock. On the way home they were still there, I thought to myself that must be a vacant lot.

Not only Friday the 13th, but also a Full Moon today! :smiling_imp:

Abridged version:

have you heard the one about the skunk?
never mind, it stinks

YIKES! :open_mouth:

Math Work

I could type this into a solver, which MIGHT help, but would also mean I have to get a lot of parentheses right....

C’mmon guys. What kind of jokes are these??try to ever beat this one…

- what do you get if you drop a piano into a mine shaft?

  • A Flat Minor

Yeah, I don’t get a lot of this newfangled innernet humor.

Okay, here’s something more my speed…

Ah, and can’t forget this one…

It’s fun watching the others trying to stifle their own laffs.

I hope this isn't a repost.

….except for his flashlight collection !

Chemistry Nobel

Most chemists thought the lanthanides and actinides could be inserted in the sixth and seventh rows, but no, they're just floating down at the bottom with lots more undiscovered elements all around them.

Faculty:Student Ratio

They managed to briefly hit the top of the rankings when they rejected everyone except one applicant, published 5 billion research papers that just said "Hi," and hired one of their graduates for $50 trillion/year (then fired them after 10 microseconds.)


Visit From the Man in Red

Rey and Kylo

"We're like 10+ movies in and the focus has been almost entirely on the WARS half."