Low battery warning on Police car during chase

Some of us have to drive 350+ miles on any given day (multiple destinations) with no notice. Don’t think anything electric is going to take care of my work needs anytime soon.

Supercapacitors and other tech that’s in it’s infancy might surprise you.

Gasoline was always going to be leaded at one point too.

No worries. If it were a doublewide driveway, oh, I’d park right up to the dividing line if I had to.

Because it suits him. Ohhhhh, trust me, he’s another one who thinks he owns the block. I just purely lucked out that he prefers it this way.

You ain’t kidding!

I was already under contract but luckily got out of that one. Monthly estimated payments (mortgage+insurance+taxes) just kept going up, and up, and up. Off-the-wall seller reneged on things in the contract that the realtor was going to pay out of pocket to save the deal. Thank B’harni (pbuh!) that financing got torpedoed, else I’d be stuck there.

Sounds like my gf’s place, and I was looking for places in that area. What I would’ve paid for a shoebox here in the city, I could get a decent sized house on a third-acre or so for half that.

Or HOAs.

Yep, sometimes it’s worth the wait. Problem with out east there’s no NG hookup, so everything’s electric. And I like gas stoves. Hard to do cast-iron skillets on glass-top ranges. :confounded:

Back on topic… :laughing: yeah, with a place like that, my own place rather’n shared anything, I could do an EV and get away with it. And given the range, even on weekends if I wouldn’t have to travel so far to see the gf.

Thing is, with solar, I’d want my system to be isolated, and ideally with storage. The issues with net metering or not can leave you screwed.

So it kinda looks like North America is where we need to start controlling the population the most, right? They’re the biggest polluters… :slight_smile:


1. Let’s build a BLF charger that can charge cells at lower voltages so they last longer.

2. Make more environmental friendly flashlights.

3. Buy lights shipped from your country if possible

4. Buy less lights.

CO2 goal:

1. no more chargers

2. no more flashlights

3. buy no flashlights

4. see no. 3.

5. no more cars

6. no more consumer goods

7. no more Infrastructure

8. no more internet, yes Internet is now a really CO2 hungry beast and growing faster than most other CO2 sources

9. no electric cars

10. live in cages and use flintrocks, wood fire, wood farming gear

11. because of No. 10 95% of worlds population dies starving, but we live CO2 neutral

Bingo, the developed world has a much slower population growth. To combat high resource use/waste and pollution we (the US I mean) need other methods beyond telling everybody else to stop having so many kids.

Its not always locked to population total number

Its that we didn’t start 70 years ago to move to recycling and CO2 neutral technology

without all the fertilizers, pesticides and mono culture agriculture with its massive machines,
we would simply not have that population growth because not enough food could be produced

Now we are so far that we will miss the opportunity to stop a massive global warming, even if we are CO2 neutral in 30 years or so it’s too late, because

- we can’t stop permafrost soil to emit huge amounts of methane

  • we can’t stop methane hydrate in the ocean to be released because the permafrost methane heated the atmosphere

Sounds like a plan! :laughing:

That’s not a fact. It just couldn’t have been done as profitably.

Change in population pyramids over the last century in industrialized countries is due much more to changes in birth and death rate from social change and medical advances. The US arguably faced a true famine during the Dust Bowl but that wasn’t mostly due to lack of agricultural tech (rotating crops to avoid depleting the soil could be considered that though I guess).

I had high hopes for the Avian and Swine flu but those both fizzled out. L.A. has some Bubonic and Typhus floating around, keep your fingers crossed.

all that machinery and chemistry frees up enough manpower to do things like modern medicine

I know some of it is dark humor, but I hear the “we need a plague” line a lot. I don’t think a lot of people realize just how terrible for civilization hundreds of millions of people not showing up for work would be, let alone the effort and danger it would take to dispose what was left of them.

My humor has darkened over the years. It keeps me from going crazy over what I do and have seen over the years. But I do look for the bright spots. Just think of all the overtime!

But on a serious note the woods I ran around in as a child now have houses and Malls. When I was born we had 3.5 billion now at 7.7 billion. I can’t hike any where without seeing trash. Each agricultural improvement leads to another population increase. 1st and 2nd world births have been on the decline for years. 3rd world hasn’t slowed.

Yes, but let’s not forget we are the biggest polluters too.

Polluting less, and consuming less has a lot of advantages too.

Like higher efficiency in general, more autonomy, cleaner air(which is important for cognitive functions), less money spent on things we don’t need, etc.

This is why until battery tech gets even better, we need to become as efficient as posdible so that when we get advancements, we reap even more benefits.

Antivaxxers seem to be more common than before (I guess those that lived through the polio epidemic, and the era of the polio vaccine are not so numerous these days… same goes for other horrible diseases), so you might see some other old plagues coming back.

Everywhere you go, and see in modern days. IS way overpopulated. overbuilt.
Primarily on what WAS… Good arable land to produce food for all the Lemmings in the world on 2 legs. Mainly it’s coastal.


“”Right you are. The human species is not going extinct. At least, not right away… That’s why I say quality of life is the issue.“”

Who’re you trying to kid.

Not until we’ve eaten and detroyed everything else on this planet first, anyway.
Lightbringer is one of the most sensible brains on here regarding this.

Unfortunately. A coupla good world wars won’t fix it nowadays.
Those were. the best means of birth control we had for decades.
Let all the younger generations (breeders) kill themselves off while the oldies control them into doing it as much as they can.
Prior to that Beubonic plague. Fire of London, etc held us back a bit.

We need to control the third world breeding b4 anything else will work.
They breeding quicker than humans can kill each other off.
Every ONE we save. Especially the males. is at least another ten to feed. growing expotentially down the ages.

The thought of the world populated by tribals, killing AND eating each other is not nice.
But. Just maybe…. Self inflicted. You’re saving them so they can breed US out of existence in time. That or China.

We were saying the world is starting to overpopulate 50/60 yrs ago. (I was here)

We and the Africa’s, Need to seriously look at China’s One child policy again. AND control it.

Although. After all this talk. Personally (dumb or not)
I reckon the planet is/has had pretty much enough of us.
The way she going. Something IS going to happen. Maybe we’ll be lucky and she’ll give a good shrug and start over again in a coupla million yrs with something different.

Looking around. Humans have NOT proven a very nice race to raise.
Killing themselves and destroying everything else on the planet, as fast as they can.
From the time there were two males and one female. and it hasn’t stopped yet.

Using all the materials. minerals on the planet, as fast as they can.
NO thought for any humans that MAY still be here.
in 100/200/500/2000 yrs time.
She’ll just be stripped. Barren. A cold GREY (concrete) boulder floating round in space with water splashing round the high bits.

Seriously. Forget the SMALL %age of good people over the generations.

From the very start of the human race’s existence. All we have EVER done.
Is kill and destroy. Everything. Everybody we can lay our hands on.
Then turn around and go back doing it again.

WHAT are we. Really…. A Farkin’ blight on the planet.
She would be a LOT better off without humans polluting her surface.

I’m not a doomssayer, whatever.
Just an old fart of 78 yrs. That has covered a lot of this planet while being here.
Watching what humans do. To it and themselves.
and wondering WHY……
We really. Have no rhyme. Nor reason for being here.
We’re no more than a virus in your computer really.
are we.
The small amount of good in humans. as a race,
No way can it negate
the evil we have shown for the last coupla, whatever thousand yrs.

That’s my little bit.
At least my generation won’t (hopefully) be around to see it eventuate.
Hopefully my grandkids too.

Doris Lessing…
For my father, who used to sit, hour after hour, night after night, outside our house in Africa, watching the stars “Well,” he would say, “if we blow ourselves up, there’s plenty more where we came from!”

Only one little blurb in the pænultimate paragraph, but it’s something

Better 50yrs late than never.