is there a light that will stop a atacking dog?

While the OP is thinking about which device will most help him, I wonder if one of these could protect his sacrifice arm while he uses whichever weapon on the dog, for instance to stabilize the dog to make it easier for his knife hand or shocking tool hand to do it’s work, or even a small pistol shot to the head if a gun is chosen.

it is really putting me into a deep depression walking was helping me calm down then that dog came into my life. i have no other choice i have to walk buy this home

The dog kinda “knows “ you now . Try the treats . Might take a couple visits , but most likely he will come to be a happy to see you dog.

One of the most memorable quotes on this forum for me was “In my country we kick a dog ”.

I like the treat idea too. Most owners will ask you not to feed their dog . I’d smile and say ” sure no problem and continue to do it anyway ” Why not ? he’s not doing his job restraining the dog so why do you need to obey his commands .
I’m not sure I understand why you have to walk past this house or walk this way but would encourage you to move form such a lousy neighborhood.

For the folks offering legal advice, it’s important to remember that not every jurisdiction has the same laws as yours. OP needs to check his relevant State/County/City codes.

I guess possible solutions are:

  • Avoid the area if you know there are wild or aggressive dogs.
  • Carry treats. Most dogs can not resist a treat and after eating it became friendly. Me as a dog owner I dong like the idea of somebody giving something to my dogs. But by the other side
    i don’t leave my dogs wild. I have 2 Golden Retrievers.
  • Use pepper spray in case the dog became aggressive (not just barking became all dogs barks) but just in the last resourse.
  • Call the police in case a dog is a danger. Dogs owners are responsible keeping the dog fenced or inside the house.

All good advice. :slight_smile:

Arizona: "ARS: 13-3107 - Unlawful discharge of firearms; exceptions; classification; definitions:

9. In self-defense or defense of another person against an animal attack if a reasonable person would believe that deadly physical force against the animal is immediately necessary and reasonable under the circumstances to protect oneself or the other person."

All jurisdictions in the US: In a quick-moving situation, where a dog is charging and preparing to attack, a person has the right to use deadly force.

The dogs ambush charged me while growling and baring their fangs, fully acting/showing that they immediately intended to immediately maul me. Therefor, I both felt and acted reasonably in using lethal force because it was an obvious and immediate threat of immediate bodily harm.

I ignored the flashlight defense part. I’m going on 26 years working as a LEO. Dogs are a part of my life, I’ve always had 2-3 at home at any point in my life. At work when were visiting a house we tell the owner to put them up in a room. If refused we call animal control. Until that point animal control is there we still conduct our jobs. It’s been done with pistols drawn because of the person or dogs. Dogs still live by instincts that human love to confuse. Act afraid or move away too fast and you’re now on the prey list. Talk to the dog, stand tall and proud, even walk towards him like it’s normal. Acted like your testosterone is bigger than his and you’re the alpha. No screaming, no yelling just a firm friendly voice. Most dog aggression is fear aggression. I witness lots of aggressive dogs with tucked tails not sure of what to do. I watch poor owners condition dogs to hate other people and dogs without knowing it. Watch that lady yanking on the lease when ever another dog or person is near. She in fear or confusion that her dog might bite. Dog just senses the fear when others are near. That painful yank is pain reinforcement of fear. Haven’t shot a dog yet. Have stood my ground and advanced on a few. Rescued a beautiful Lab/Shepherd mix that lived with us for the next 13 years she past last March. If you are walking your dog yanking on the lease as the other dog approaches the fear levels are there. STOP stand your ground ignore your dog for now and talk to the dog, stand tall and proud, even walk towards him like it’s normal. Still keep a grip on that pepper spray. If deployed wash your dog with lots of soapy water. Baby shampoo works well for decontamination.

If you are in real fear for your safety then shoot the dog before he bites. This “I have to be hurt first” is a load of #$%^. A furtive move is grounds enough.

Now back to the topic.

I have an Acebeam X80-GT and in strobe mode confuse dogs and they back off. I was walking 3 days ago during the night with my dog and an unleashed dog came trying to fight my dog. I put my light in strobe mode and the dog back off and leave. I believe becase he was unable to see me or my dog he get scared.

ive worked at dog shelters for free to get dogs adopted i walked and socaized them they all loved me. never had any dog i was afraid of. so i dont understaand this dogs issue maybe the owner is mean to it .i doubt he is but ya never know

This light looks pretty mean ! :open_mouth:

Man this thread has been busy.
Let’s remember dogs are not humans in the eyes of the law. You aren’t going to get charged with murder for killing a dog.
That said, dogs are dogs and they try to scare you. But as long as they are domestic they have biased view of humans being superior. That’s totally to your advantage. Just ignore them and carry on.

Hmmm…. all dogs even wolves….fear FIRE!



I wanna marry that chick. :laughing:

I know….She is sooo HOT! :heart_eyes:

She likes flamethrowers

If only my wife would let me date.

You can go ahead and try to get some of that .
When you come home mama will be brandishing the new xm44 model .

That divorce would be FUN, huh?