*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

Really! 974 and no pm

Hi, I’m 426 in the list, got my code yesterday and ordered today at amazon.de.
Thanks to the team

No need for PM if you’re ordering from Ali or eBay.

I believe anyone can order from aliexpress at any time without a PM as long as their name is on the list.

Just an opinion of mine…. having the LT1 available from Amazon with a PM’d code as well as being available on eBay and aliexpress is very confusing. I know this ordering process is completely out of our hands so this is just a statement for future consideration by anyone else involved in a project.

If anyone on the list can order from ali or ebay at anytime what is the point of the numbered list? It becomes a free for all.

Codes are only needed for Amazon but they all ship from China

This is correct. The LT1’s primary purpose is to be ‘enough’ lighting to let you function normally over an extended time. In a situation where normal lighting is not available, this should be enough light to allow it. It was never designed to replace a 200w chandelier.

That said, there are - I believe - solder pads on the driver to let those who want to trade runtime for more light. If the details are not in the instruction manual, dig through the first post and you should be able to find them. You’re not going to hit 4 digits of light, but you can get ‘more’.

Not a bad idea.

I’m pretty sure you’re both incorrect. We went over this when working on the manual. As it was explained… By default the light does not ramp all the way to the max possible output. It ramps to the “ceiling” which is not the max possible output. As such, the “turbo” is brighter. You can change the ceiling to the max possible output, but that’s not how it ships.

Of course it’s always possible that we were given incorrect information despite making every effort to ensure the accuracy of it.

I’m just going by what TK said way way back…

Anything is possible… The manual now says that the ramp goes all the way to the max possible output level. It also says there’s a turbo mode. I can’t vouch for the accuracy of it.

could you put me down for a 2nd lantern. thanks = total is 2

TK may have changed the final release of the firmware for the production units, i am unsure of that. but the production prototype i been testing has a smooth ramp that goes from roughly 10% up to 90% brightness, the 90% being the ceiling of the ramp config. A quick double click brings it to 100% maximum. Technicallyit is not a turbo as it don’t step down & is not a “overdrive” mode like some flashlight turbo modes are considered. The stepped ramp config goes to 100%

I’d like to purchase 1 more, for a total of 3. might as well give some gifts.

Love the teamwork here!

Hi guys. Seems I’m a little late to the party (hopefully not too late) but please put me down for one if possible.

Did anyone succeed in ordering from ebay? I made an offer on the lamp with batteries and included info (didn’t get a code yet) but I didn’t get a pm and the offer has not been accepted. Do I need to wait for the next batch? I got no issue with that I just want to get it ordered so I’m not forgotten :stuck_out_tongue:

@DBSAR…With list of upcoming accessories for LT1 ,only thing missing is to make LT1 swim…Can we add a floating accessories to LT1 :slight_smile:
On serious note,my hats off to you and others involved in project…you guys are bunch of inspiring individuals.

I would like to buy one too. Can you add me to the list with a code or ID?

Got my code and wrote back that I wanted batteries too, haven’t heard back

I added everyone up to post 8052 but of course anyone added since Sunday won’t see their names on the lists until next Sunday’s updates. Hopefully Sofirn is downloading the latest lists but this might not matter until batch #2.

Don’t laugh too hard. The Streamlight touts it’s ability to float as a feature.

They could make a white version LTM with floating base and stainless hardware as the “Marine” unit and charge way more just because it’s “MARINE”!