BLF Lantern Purchase/Followup Information - Group Buy list is Closed!!!!

This happened to me. I assumed they checked the list and I was too far down the list to buy yet.

Could this kind of thing be the cause of these cancelled orders?

Or maybe because Alex and/or others that he mentioned literally stole your spot! :rage:

Why are people thanking Alex?

There are plenty of us smart enough to think of that. Most of us are honest enough not to do it.
Why on earth would you then publish it?
Alex could have PM’d the idea to DBSAR so he could warn Sofirn.

It is just a light. Wait your turn.


:+1: FB !

I am not thanking Alex, after reading what he did, (use another BLF member’s name to cheat the group buy & order two LT1s, then be sly to wait until his lanterns shipped before posting what he did here. i withdrew my reply to him, and I forwarded a message to Barry about the issue, I also forwarded the Posts by Alex to sb56637.

Always one bad apple who ruins the entire bunch. Punishing everybody because of Alex doesn’t fix the problem. Let’s call it what it is… There are so many loopholes and ways to cheat this groupbuy it isn’t funny. It would take forever to backtrack to see who did what, and ordered what from where with who’s blf id. It’s just not feasible. Might as well just ask Sofirn to add another 500 to the groupbuy and keep it going. That way all of the original people on the list can still get one.

+1 :+1:

I think adding more lights to the group buy is a reasonable ‘fix’ for the situation.

Not iffn Aholex stole your ID/number and used it causing Sifirn to cross those two stolen spots off the list. The victim would never know.

For example: If I’m on the list for one lantern, and I decide I want 3, what’s to stop my from ordering one on Amazon, one on Ebay, and one on Aliexpress? I seriously doubt they are keeping records of people ordering on multiple platforms.

That’s my point. So rather than crossing names off the list and such, just open up the groupbuy entirely. Add another 500-1000 units and regardless if a name has been crossed off due to already having a purchase, let them purchase again.

Like Alex said, he’s not the only person to think of this. He’s probably correct in assuming it’s been done dozens of times already. That would explain why some people low on the list still haven’t been sent a code, because their name may have already been used.

I mean in reality, this growing list is quite old as is this project. There could be a few members that were originally in the first 500 that may not even be in the forum anymore. May not be able to afford it anymore. May not need or want it anymore. Who knows.

I respect everyone involved in this awesome project. Even more so after reading they were not paid or even given a lantern for their efforts. They volunteered a ton of time and effort into this project so we as blfers could enjoy it. I just don’t find it feasible to backtrack and fix all this. Perhaps I’m wrong. All I know is I’ve enjoyed buying from quite a few groupbuys and they have always been in the format of a single code, with the item delivered in order of who purchases first, not who signs up as interested first.

The Alex bronson account and posts have been removed. Please go back and edit out the part of your posts that quoted him.

That is what we’re hoping, is Sofirn can fix the GB issue and make sure everyone on the list gets to order their lights, the issue now is members loosing their “spot” for the purchases that require their user-names because someone outside the forum ended up using their name at random.

For that to happen, someone from inside the forum would have to give that information to someone outside of the forum correct? Or can people who don’t create a username still log in and read the forums? I can’t remember how it works tbh.

It can still happen as in the Alex case. (I don’t want to post how he did it here in public, (as anyone outside the forum can read all the posts on BLF topics) but i can send the information of the loophole he used via PM if requested.

Here is me patiently waiting for a group buy code to be PM’d to me and reading all this drama. Hope my name wasn’t unwillingly used! My name is in the low 1600s on the list. Have those codes gone out yet?

Three times past the first 500 - I really doubt it.
My buddy and I are in the 1400s and we’ve heard nothing yet. I’m not expecting to get any notification in any specific timeframe.

The whole system is flawed because Sofirn does not check the position, just the name and they do not know if the first 500 are still active or if they want to wait for the second batch. SIGShooter had an awesome system in place with scripts and everything, if Sofirn had implemented this, handling everything would have been much easier for them in the long run, altough in the short run their own “system” may be more convenient for them.

Let’s wait and hope the 2nd batch will be ready soon!

UPDATE: Oct,18,2019 -Sofirn will make sure everyone gets their LT1s at the group price regardless of the loss of a few to outside buyers at the GB due to the ordering loophole. They are planning to change the system to maker it more secure.