BLF Lantern Purchase/Followup Information - Group Buy list is Closed!!!!

I only see you in for one when I searched for your name in my database and also by blf name in the main thread. The only post you made there is this post

I vaguely remember a third related thread last week about the lt1 orders…maybe the add request was made in there?

Regardless… no code tet.

Your are 820 in the list and so would not have gotten a PM for batch 1. Since Sofirn has suspended purchasing at the moment I think that it’s unlikely that any PM’s are going out at the moment. The only one who can say for sure is Sofrin (haven’t said anything to us either way).

Question… I have a code but when I search Amazon, no results for BLF LT1. Is there another way to purchase?

It looks like Sofirn suspended the lantern sake on Amazon at this time as well, i am guessing until they a better GB plan set up.

I’m surprised you can’t find it on Amazon. I just did a fast search and both the Lantern no batteries and Lantern with batteries show up.

Note that both are currently unavailable for purchase.

We should be equally upset with the longtime BLF member who put his friend Alex up to it and gave him specific instructions on how to game the system. I would imagine Alex isn’t the only friend he helped abuse the GB.

I bet Alex did not even buy a Lantern, his story was pure for getting attention. And he got served well.

I am unaware, and not been told of any other member who “put Alex up” to his scamming the GB system as or yet.

Well, that would be one Racoon City (per Alex).

Why don’t we just stop when everything Alex has said can not necessarily be believed.

I received a PM, but searching Amazon as directed doesn’t bring up any LT1’s.

Did they sell out, and I need to wait for the next batch?

so now it’s ‘whistleblower’ Alex, or is it ‘deep throat’ Alex? or all3 the same?
I received apparently the same PM (now gone), butt I declined to pass it on as you did.

Yeah, let’s please drop the extraneous topics and not give any bad actor more attention.

Nope, not me.

I don't even know the bad actor.

It's very strange that he would blame me.

Like almost all BLF members, I believe that scamming the GB system is very wrong.

(Sorry, sb, but I felt like I needed to clear my name.)

I’m sure Raccoon City is to blame for many things. :wink:

Just not this Alex debacle.

Here is the listing (for batteries included) but it is currently marked as unavailable. I think Sofirn is trying to work out a new system for handling the group buy.

As noted in post 2 Sofirn confirmed that the interest list is to closed at 3,000. After that number is reached I will not be adding any more people. However they said that anyone wanting a lantern at the group price can PM them so I assume that the price will still be available for some amount of time.