A tasty treat for Burro; and anyone else who enjoys such things

You crack me up cone! Honestly! I look forward to reading your posts just to get a laugh! Might just have to drive out there for some cake so I can meet you in person! (And ask your wife how the heck she puts up with you!)


How you ask? Mostly she ignores me. And when that doesn't work she makes me exercise for hours on end so that when we get home I have to nap.

Cone, you really need to change your avatar. I keep confusing you with Huny74 when I just glance at the avatar.


R.R.?? My first thought was Rosie the Riveter (but I just came from your sexist CPF thread ) then after some thinking I came up with Rachel Ray (who I can’t stand either!).

For those outside the US: thats Fahrenheit, so about 177° Celsius. Cant recommend baking anything (aside from flashlights maybe) at 350°C. :)

That's a picture of our Maine Coon cat. He is also spoiled. And huge! Look at him; the poor guy can't even put his little paws together. He eats a lot of cake too. I did notice Huny's cat and always meant to inquire about it.

Funny, too, you should bring the topic of that avatar up in this thread, though. My wife put that up there figuring you guys would bust my B@))$ about it. And now I can't figure out how to get it off or change it. Honestly, I'm not that good with electronics and technology. That's part of the reason I don't build one of those complicated chargers a lot of you guys have or use 18650 batteries.

Ya, sorry about that. I'll edit the OP. Ironic, too, because the recipe came from Holland.

Nah, I rather wanted to make a joke than a point. I expect everyone here to have some kind of common sense. I cant even set my oven to 350°C.. except for pyrolysis. :D

This recipe sounds MUCH simpler than defuse kit's cake, over on EDCF.

He spent hours, just in the decoration!

Hey, Gnarly! What's the deal? You post here only once a month? :p

Where from Holland? I'm Dutch


Conservative, ain't I?

Actually, really like it here....and love lights....but no comprende mucho TechSpeak.


Ya'll get 'way over my head, and drive me to more research!

Well Cone, I tried your cake this weekend; it was quite tasty, although greasy! Wink

I was expecting something of a bit more 'cakey' texture, this was more like a brownie texture though; did I do something wrong or is that it? I really liked it the second day after it had cooled and set up a bit... Made a very nice dessert after lunch yesterday...

@ ChibiM- You're Dutch, but live in Tokyo; that must be an interesting story.

Anyway, I didn't mean to imply that I'm Dutch, just that that is where the recipe came from originally. My Father came to America in 1954 when he was nine. As I'm sure you are aware, there was a catastrophic flood there in '53. This wiped out my Grandparents' house and business (my Opa was a mussel monger) in the town of Bruinisse. The whole family (my dad has six siblings) stayed with other relatives in Zeeland for a year until money and paperwork could be obtained to come to America. They arrived by cargo ship on April 4, 1954. We still celebrate it like it is a real holiday; which for us it is. I was back once when I was a little kid. All I really remember is that there is a large flower garden where the house used to be.

My Opa never had a desire to go back, but since he passed in the '80s my Opoe has gone back regularly, usually escorted buy my parents or another of my Father's siblings. She'll be a 101 this May and still travels if you can believe it.

@ Gnarly- Ya, I don't know what these guys are talking about half the time myself. I'm more of a user/hoarder than a flashaholic/modder too. The thing is, the members here are really great to hangout with. It's not like I don't enjoy EDCF, I truly do, but this place is a lot more fun. Well for me, anyway. This place seems to have the kind of camaraderie that is usually reserved for fraternity houses and military barracks.

I think that if I picked three other people at random from each forum for a cross country road trip, the EDCF car would be enjoyable, but the BLF car would be fun... well, except for that night in the hoosegow. :p

@ Keltex- I asked Mrs. Cone and she says it shouldn't be "greasy". Of course there may be some difference as to how we are each defining "greasy". Remember, there is a lot of butter in a small pan, so... But it is going to be more like a warm brownie than a traditional cake. If you were to cut the thing in half, the center section should almost look undone and just past the point where it would have been gooey and uncooked. I'm really glad you enjoyed it otherwise and I hope this helps.

Yeah, that's EXACTLY what my finished cake was like... I didn't mean greasy in the unpleasant sense.... But if I had left a slice sitting on a napkin, it would have soaked it through from all the butter... I really liked the cake and will be saving the recipe...

Thanks for sharing, we need more threads like this one!

Remember, it's the butter that makes it tasty! Not good for you, but super tasty! Enjoy in moderation. :glasses:

Looks great Cone, thanks for the thought, I'll have to get the Ol'Gal busy in the kitchen :)

I sincerely hope you enjoy.

Thats surely very interesting! I know Bruinisse! To be exact, I lived about a 5-10 minutes drive from there!
I lived here. (my fam. still does) If you open the link, you can see a dike on the left. If I stand on that dike, I can see Bruinisse. So I lived that close!!! amazing!!

Now Im very curious to your family name.. you`ve got a PM
I had a few classmates from Bruinisse, and my aunt is from there too.. My home town is even smaller than Bruinisse. whaha!


You can speak around us. We find this interesting as well.

Keith (who is inquisitive (nosy?)